
sábado, 16 de abril de 2022

Seasons: 1990


3 Stadte (D)

1- Mats Jonsson-Lars Backman Sw Toyota Celica GT-4

12 Heures de Braine le Comte (B, 16-17/6 # 86/45)

1- Marc Soulet-Philippe Willem Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Ecurie Bruxelloise

12 Heures de Chievres (B, 07/7 # 38/21)

1- Jos BoonFreddy Pauwels Mazda RX-7


12 Heures de Marche (B, 02-03/6 # 78/51)

1- Jean Pierre vd Wauver-Guy Herion Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Royale Ecurie Ardennes

24 Horas (Arg, 03-04/11 # 35/17)

1- Miguel Torras-Luis Oyola Renault 18 GTX

24 Horas (Mx, 14/7 # 42/21)

1- Mauricio Suberville-J Suberville Volkswagen Golf GTi

100 Jarve (Urss, 12-13/10)

1- Marek Toome-Aleksander Kao Lada Samara

1000 Km de Reunion (07-09/12 # 54/25)

1- Sabir Gany-Idriss Gany Bmw M3 E30

1000 Lakes (Fin, 22-27/8 # 186/92) 

1- Carlos Sainz-Luis Moya E Toyota Celica GT-4

Toyota Team Europe

1000 Miglia (It, 15-17/3 # 117/45)

1- Piero Liatti-Luciano Tedeschini Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

H.F. Grifone SRL

Abidijan (Ci, 17-18/3 # 19/9)

1- Samir Assef-Clement Konan Lib/Ci Toyota Celica GT-4

Acapulco (Mx, 17/11 # 39/11)

1- Jorge Campos-Jimenez Eagle Talon TSi

Achaios (Gre, 10/3 # 76/57)

1- Leonidas Kirkos-El Em Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Açores (Pt, 22-23/6 # 34/13)

1- Carlos Bica-Fernando Prata Lancia Delta HF 4WD

Duriforte Tabaqueira

Acropolis (Gre # 97/34)

1- Carlos Sainz-Luis Moya E Toyota Celica GT-4

Toyota Team Europe

Adria (It, 12-13/5)

1- Paolo Andreucci-Carlo Cassina Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Jolly Club

Ain Jura (F, 28-30/9 # 71/37)

1- Jacques Tasso-Michele Ranchoux Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Albena Zlatini Piassatzi (Bul, 12-13/5)

1- Fabrizio Tabaton-Maurizio Imerito It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

H.F. Grifone SRL

Algarve (Pt, 25-28/10 # 40/20) 

1- Antonio Coutinho-Jose Luis Nascimento Toyota Celica GT-4

Salvador Caetano Mobil Toyota

Algoa (Rsa, 22-23/6 # 45/31)

1- Hannes Grobler-Piet Swanepoel Nissan Sentra Coupé 4x4

Ali Sipahi (Tk, 21-23/9 # 27/20)

1- Emre Yerlici-Can Okan Lancia Delta Integrale

Alicante (E, 23-24/3 # 63/41)

1- Jose Maria Bardolet-Josep Ferrer Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Alpes Vaudoises (Sui, 29-30/6 # 79/46)

1- Philippe Camandona-Pierre Periat Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Scuderia Chicco d'Oro

Alpi Adria (It)

1- Paolo Andreucci-Carlo Cassina Lancia Delat Integrale

Alpi Orientali (It, 20-22/7 # 194/130)

1- Roberto Cimolai-Luigi Vazzoler Lancia Delta Integrale

Alpin Behra (F, 05-08/4 # 101/60)

1- François Chatriot-Michel Perin Bmw M3 E30

Bastos Motul Bmw

Alpine (Atl, 27-29/4 # 47/27)

1- Georg Fury-Ross Runnals Mitsubishi Galant VR-8

Alsace Vosges (F, 15-17/6 # 142/95)

1- François Chatriot-Michel Perin Bmw M3 E30

Bastos Motul Bmw

Alto Tâmega (Pt, 28-30/9 # 40/25)

1- Carlos Bica-Fernando Prata Lancia Delta HF 4WD

Duriforte Tabaqueira


1- Gerard de la Casa-Judith Solé Mercedes Benz 190E2.3 16V


1- Botelho de Souza-Mario Rui Pt Ford Escort RS

Antibes (F, 26-29/9 # 94/53)

1- Pierre César Baroni-Philipe David Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Apertura (24-25/2 # 44/25)

1- Orlando Penner-Eugenio Planas Volkswagen Gol

Appennino Reggiano (It, 14-15/7 # 140/87)

1- Giacomo Bossini-Flavio Zanella Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Arbo (A, 19-20/10 # 54/39)

1- Ernst Harrach-Jorg Pattermann Lancia Delta Integrale

Lancia Rally Team Austria

Argentina (24-28/7 # 84/28)

1- Miki Biasion-Tiziano Siviero It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Lancia Martini

Arctic (Fin, 26-28/1 # 86/43)

1- Antero Laine-Risto Virtanen Lancia Delta Integrale

Ashkhabad (Urss, 22-25/6 # 30/13)

1- Sergey Devyatkin-Georgiy Babatchenko Lada Samara 2108

Attiko (Gre, 29/9 # 78/54)

1- Giorgos Kaitatzis-Giorgos Kapellas Opel Ascona 400

Motul Racing Team

Audi Sport (Uk, 20/10 # 82/62)

1- Russel Brookes-Neil Wilson Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Auto Spring (Eak, 01-02/9 # 37/12)

1- Patrick Nijru-David Williamson Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo

Austrália (20-23/9 # 62/38)

1- Juha Kankkunen-Juha Piironen Fin Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Lancia Martini

Avram Iancu (Rom)

1- Constantin Aur-Ungureanu Peugeot 205 GTI

Baie des Challeurs (Can, 28-29/7 # 34/21)

1- Paul Choiniere-John Buffum Usa Audi Coupe Quattro

Balaguer (E, 11-12/5 # 75/61)

1- Gustavo Trelles-Arturo Puente Uru/E Lancia Delta S4

Bandama (Ci, 28/10-01/11 #32/14)

1- Patrick Tauziac-Claude Papin Mitsubishi Galant VR-4


1- Roger Skeete-Charmaine Skeete Peugeot 205 GTI

Barborka (Pol, 08-09/12)

1- Pawel Przybylski-Krzysztof Geborys Audi Coupe Quattro

Barum (Tch, 15-16/6 # 111/43)

1- Mikael Sundstrom-Juha Reppo Fin Mazda 323 4WD

Mazda Rally Team Finland

Belitung (Indo, 09-10/6 # 18/10)

1- Arief Indiarto-Karel Harilatu Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Berglags (Sw, 05-06/1 # 203/106)

1- Tomas Jansson-Ingemar Algerstedt Audi 90 Quattro

Kalmar Motorsport

Berlin (D)

1- Sepp Haider-Ferdinand Hinterleitner A Opel Kadett GSi

Bethunois (F)

1- Jose Barbara-Chantal Barbara Porsche 911

Bianchi (B, 01-02/9 # 93/54)

1- Renaud Verreydt-Jean Manuel Jamar Toyota Celica GT-4

Ecurie Le Perron

Bighorn (Can, 25-26/5 # 16/10)

1- Jorge Dascollas-Bob Burton Mazda RX-7

Blue Gum (Zw, 19/8 # 12/9)

1- Billy Rautenbach-John Mitchell Audi Quattro

Bogazici (Tk, 07-08/4 # 26/16)

1- Emre Yerlici-Can Okan Lancia Delta Integrale

Bohemia (Tch, 02-03/11 # 51/33)

1- Raimund Baumschlager-Ruben Zeltner A Volkswagen Golf G60

Volkswagen Motorsport

Bouaké (Ci, 07-08/4 # 18/9)

1- Patrice Servant-David Charbonnel Toyota Corolla 16V

Boucles de Spa (B, 15-17/2 # 93/51)

1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup F Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

BP Visco 2000 (Eak, 11/8 # 26/15)

1- Jim Heather Hayes-Anton Levitan Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo

Brasov (Rom)

1- Ionel Malaut-George Grigoresco Oltcit 12 TRS

Bratstvo i Jedinstvo (Yu, 01-02/9 # 45/33)

1- Tihomir Filipovic-Sasa Acimovic Lancia Delta Integrale 16 V

INA Zagreb

Bridgestone (Atl)

1- Ed Ordynski-Mark Nelson A Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Budapest (Hun, 18-19/8 # 92/51)

1- Laszlo Ranga-Mihaly Dudas Lancia Delta Integrale

Bursa (Tk, 02-06/6 # 19-15)

1- Iskender Atakan-Yusuf Avimelek Lancia Delta Integrale

Burundi (05-07/10 # 15/5)

1- Satwant Singh-Luc Verhulst Z Vw Golf GTi

Cacao (Ci, 05-06/5 # 18/9)

1- Alain Ambrosino-Ambrosino F Nissan 200 SX

Caimanes (Col, 20-22/7 # 20/18)

1- Gustavo Yacaman-Romero Chevrolet Monza

Caja Cantabria (E, 28-29/4 # 96/52)

1- Jesus Puras-Jose Arrarte Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Cajalicante (E, 18-20/5 # 79/49)

1- Jesus Puras-Jose Arrarte Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Calgary Winter (Can, 23-24/2 # 13/10)

1- Shawn Bishop-Bob Burton Mazda 323 4WD

Camélias (Pt, 09-11/2 # 35/21)

1- Joaquim Santos-Miguel Oliveira Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Diabolique Motorsport

Camiños del Incas (P)

1- Luis Alayza-Yves Bromberg Nissan 240 RS

Canberra (Atl, 01/1)

1- Ross Dunkerton-Fred Gocentas Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Canterbury (Nz, 12/5 # 85/59)

1- Neil Allport-Bob Haldane Mazda 323 4WD

Cartel (Uk, 24-25/2 # 120/61)

1- Colin McRae-Derek Ringer Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

RED Ford

Castrol (Rsa, 18-20/5 # 47/19)

1- Sarel van der Merwe-Franz Boshoff Vw Golf II Syncro

Catalunia-Costa Brava (E, 15-17/2 # 80/29)

1- Dario Cerrato-Giuseppe Cerri It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Jolly Club

Charlevoix (Can, 20-21/10 # 38/19)

1- John Buffum-Paul Choiniere Usa Audi Coupe Quattro

Ciocco (It, 30-31/3 # 88/38)

1- Andrea Aghini-Sauro Farnocchia Peugeot 405 MI16

Circuit des Ardennes (B, 16-18/3 # 122/65)

1- Marc Duez-Yves Bozet Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Ford Fina Rally Team

Circuito da Irlanda (12-16/4 # 70/41)

1- David Llewelin-Phil Short Uk Toyota Celica GT-4

Toyota Team Great Britain

Cittá di Bassano (It, 28-30/9 # 157/90)

1- Lucky-Luigi Cazarro Bmw M3 E30

Cittá di Sassari (It, 23-24/6 # 73/51)

1- Michele Gregis-Fabio Ciceri Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Coachman Stages (Usa)

1- Tim O’Neil-Martin Headland Can Volkswagen Rallye Golf G60

Coffs Harbour (Atl, 27-28/10 # 49/31)

1- Ed Ordynski-Mark Nelson Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Compac (Dk, 07-08/9 # 77/64)

1- Jan Mortensen-Finn Mogensen Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Concepcion (Arg, 18-20/8 # 50/25)

1- Osvaldo Hintermeister-Ricardo Kember Volkswagen Gacel

Condroz (B, 02-03/11 # 135/80)

1- Patrick Snijers-Dany Colebunders Toyota Celica GT-4

Coppa Liburna (It, 14-15/9 # 123/70)

1- Andrea Aghini-Sauro Farnocchia Peugeot 405 MI16

Cork 20 (Irl, 06-07/10)

1- Austin McHale-Dermot O'Gorman Bmw M3 E30

Correcaminos Saltamontes (Col, 17-19/4 # 17/3)

1- Felipe Sudarsky-Amaya Chevrolet Trooper

Costa Smeralda (It, 04-06/4 # 90/43)

1- Dario Cerrato-Giuseppe Cerri Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Jolly Club

Court (Sui, 12-13/10 # 60/46)

1- Philippe Camandona-Pierre Periat Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Scuderia Chicco d'Oro

Cresta (Zw, 10/3 # 14/8)

1- Billy Rautenbach-John Mitchell Audi Quattro

Criterium des Cevennes (F, 09-11/11 # 148/85)

1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Lancia Fina

Criterium Jurassien (Sui, 30-31/3 # 76/46)

1- Olivier Burri-Christophe Hoffman Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Scuderia Chicco d'Oro

Criterium Saint James (Mtn, 15-16/12 # 33/21)

1- Simon Jean Joseph-Patrick Beaubrun Peugeot 309 GTI

Cyprus (21-23/9 # 73/34)

1- Dimi Mavropoulos-Nikos Amoniades Audi Coupé Quattro

Danmark (18-19/5 # 106/51)

1- Jorgen Nielsen-Soren Brodersen Opel Kadett Gsi 16V

Danúbio (Rom)

1- Sergey Golov-Valerih Kolchigin Lada Samara 1600

Del Lago (Uru, 19-21/5 # 24/12)

1- Carlos Menem jr-Victor Zucchini Renault 18 GTX

Deltei (Rom, 20-21/4)

1- Ludovic Balint-Constantin Zarnescu Dacia 1320

Deth (Gre, 22-23/9 # 101/38)

1- Jigger-Konstantinos Stefanis Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Deutschland (19-21/7 # 106/61)

1- Robert Droogmans-Ronny Joosten B Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Jolly Club

Dia de la Bandera (Arg, 16-18/6 # 73/29)

1- Carlos Menem jr-Victor Zucchini Renault 18 GTX

Dodonis (Gre, 06-07/10 # 38/20)

1- Jigger-Konstantinos Stefanis Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Dolnoslaski (Pol, 23-25/2 # 49/36)

1- Marian Bublewicz-Ryszard Zyszkowski Mazda 323 4WD

Donegal (Irl, 22-24/6 # 119/85)

1- Austin McHale-Dermot O'Gorman Bmw M3 E30

Drammen (N, 20/1)

1- Roar Vannebo-Dag Halvorsen Mazda 323 4WD

Dynamo Sliven (Bg, 20-22/4 # 58/36

1- Iskender Atakan-Yusuf Avimelek Tk Lancia Delta Integrale

Dubai (20-21/12 # 30/16)

1- Suhail Al Maktoum-Mubarak Al Hajri Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Dukeries (Uk)

1- Bob Lowe-Colin Poxon Ford Escort Cosworth

East Coast (Dk, 28-30/9 # 58/42)

1- Jan Mortensen-Jorgen Aunso Fors Sierra RS Cosworth

Ford Motorsport Denmark

East Safari (Cyp, 03-04/3 # 34/15)

1- Dimi Mavropoulos-Nikos Antoniades Audi Coupé Quattro

Edasi (Urss, 03/2 # 64/57)

1- Aavo Pikkuus-Lehar Linno Lada 21011

Ege (Tk, 03-04/8)

1- Renc Kocibay-Enes Uluer Mitsubishi Starion

Eifel (D, 07-09/12)

1- Risto Buri-Hans Greifenstein Audi 200 Quattro

El Corte Ingles (E, 25-27/10 # 67/35)

1- Josep Bassas-Luis Rodriguez Bmw M3 E30

Blaupunkt Bmw

Elba (It, 18-19/5 # 72/32)

1- Piergiorgio Deila-Pierangelo Scalvini Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Eldoret (Eak)

1- Jim Heather Hayes-Anton Levitan Subaru Legacy RS

Ele (Ned, 09/6 # 100/72)

1- Wim Luijbregts-Ton Hillen

Elmot (Pol, 25-28/5 # 60/35)

1- Andrzej Koper-Maciej Wislawski Volkswagen Golf GTi 16V

Elpa (Gre, 27-30/8 # 64/33)

1- Michele Rayneri-Loris Roggia It Lancia Delta Integrale

Entre Rios (Arg)

1- Alejandro Miglio Renault 18 GTX

Escócia (09-11/6 # 53/31) 

1- David Llewelin-Phil Short Uk Toyota Celica GT-4

Toyota Team Great Britain

Escuderia Pronautica (Col, 22-24/6 # 12/12)

1- Gustavo Yacaman-Romero Chevrolet Monza

Escuderia Los Topos (Col, 18-20/8 # 25/22)

1- Cesar Holguin-Bliss Mitsubishi Montero

Escuderia Manizales (Col, 13-15/10 # 12/10)

1- Oscar Gomez-Soto Chevrolet Monza

Fenouilledes (F)

1- Thierry Costeraste-Karine Fromental Bmw M3 E30

Ferodo (Zw, 27/1 # 15/11)

1- Billy Rautenbach-John Mitchell Audi Quattro

Ferrol (E)

1- German Castrillon-Estrela Castrillon Ford Sierra Cosworth

Festival State (Atl, 30-01/7 # 51/35)

1- Ed Ordynski-Jeremy Browne Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Figueira da Foz (Pt, 30/3-01/4 # 24/14)

1- Antonio Coutinho-Candido Junior Toyota Celica GT-4

Salvador Caetano Mobil Toyota

Finnskog Vinter (N, 16-17/2 # 130/78)

1- Roar Vannebo-Bent Jacobsen Mazda 323 4WD

Firestone 300 (Eak, 20/5 # 45/21)

1- Patrick Nijru-Ian Munbro Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo

Five Stars (Fin, 06-07/10 # 107/66)

1- Mikael Sundstrom-Borje Westman Mazda 323 4WD

Flandres (F)

1- Paul Molon-Luc Vandystadt Opel Manta 400

Forest (Atl)

1- Rob Herridge-Dale Hynes Subaru RX Turbo

Forest (Nz, 01/9 # 62/39)

1- David Ayling-Pat Norris Mazda 323 4WD

Forez (F, 22-24/6 # 116/70)

1- Dominique de Meyer-Olivier Solut Bmw M3 E30

Fray Junipero (Mx, 31/3 # 36/26)

1- Augustin Zamora-Javier Marín Vw Golf

Franken (D, 15-17/3 # 76/55)

1- Ronald Holzer-Klaus Wendel Lancia Delta Integrale

Fruhlings (A, 06-08/4 # 70/48)

1- Ernst Harrach-Jorg Pattermann Lancia Delta Integrale

Lancia Rally Team Austria

Fthiotidas (Gre, 17-18/3)

1- Iaveris-El Em Audi Quattro

Galway (Irl, 09-11/2 # 80/31)

1- Austin McHale-Ronan McNamee Bmw M3 E30

Garrigues (F, 16-18/3 # 90/40) 

1- François Chatriot-Michel Perin Bmw M3 E30

Bastos Motul Bmw

Gold Rush (Usa, 06-07/10 # 32/21)

1- Paul Choiniere-John Buffum Audi Coupe Quattro

GP Turismo (Arg, 14-16/12 # 29/17)

1- Gabriel Raies-Raul Campana Renault 18 GTX

Graciosa (Br, 15-16/9 # 11/6)

1- Reinaldo Varella-Sergio Lima Volkswagen Gol

Gran Canaria (E, 26-27/5)

1- Carlos Alonso Lamberti-Jose Sarmiento

Alfa Romeo 75 Turbo

Granite City (Sco, 07/4 # 102/72)

1- Jimmy Mc Rae-Rob Arthur Sco/Uk Audi 90 Quattro

GBM Rallye Sport

Guadalajara (Mx, 16/6 # 25/17)

1- Augustin Zamora-Javier Marín Vw Golf

Guaíra (Py, 26-27/5 # 50/27)

1- Orlando Penner-Eugenio Planas Volkswagen Gol

Guru Nanak (Eak, 09-10/11)

1- Patrick Nijru-David Williamson Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo

Gyor (Hun, 26-27/5 # 76/56)

1- Attila Ferjancz-Janos Tandari Lancia Delta Integrale

Hackle (Sco, 06/10)

1- Colin McRae-Derek Ringer Ford Escort MK2

Hamarsladden (N, 22/9)

1- Roar Vannebo-Bent Jacobsen Mazda 323 4WD

Hanki (Fin, 23-25/2 # 109/49)

1- Mikael Sundstrom-Juha Reppo Mazda 323 4WD

Hannut (B, 23-24/3 # 112/58)

1- Jean Marc Gaban-Freddy Macq Porsche 911 SC RS

Haspengow (B, 25-26/5 # 82/48)

1- Marc Duez-Yves Bozet Ford Sierra Cosworth

Ford Fina Rally Team

Hautes Fagnes (B, 07-08/4 # 101/62)

1- Gaby Goudeneuze-Filip Pelsemaeker Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Haveland (D)

1- Sepp Haider-Christian Geistdorfer A/D Opel Kadett GSi

Hebros (Bul)

1- Roberto Calderoli-Massimo Trombi It Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Hellendoorn (Ned, 27-28/4 # 126/71)

1- Erwin Doctor-Theo Badenberg Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Ford Fina Rally Team

Hermes (Gre, 27-28/10 # 19/9)

1- Sotiris Kokkinis-Ioannis Halaris Toyota Celica GT-4

Hessen (D, 15-16/6 # 101/66)

1- Ronald Holzer-Klaus Wendell Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Hietsuki (J, 04-05/8)

1- Mitsuo Ayabe-Tetsuya Mori Nissan Bluebird SSS-R

Highland Masters (J, 13-14/10 # 60/28)

1- Mitsuo Maeshima-Okamoto Subaru Legacy

Himalayan (I, 04-07/11 # 77/23)

1- Stefan Uhl-Michael Uhl D Toyota Celica GT-4

Fritzinger Toyota Motorsports

Hitit (Tk, 04-06/5, 28/15)

1- Emre Yerlici-Can Okan Lancia Delta Integrale

Hokkaido (J, 14-15/7)

1- Mitsuo Ayabe-Tetsuya Mori Nissan Bluebird SSS-R

Hunsruck (D, 05-08/7 # 65/31)

1- Ronald Holzer-Klaus Wendell Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

AM Motorsport

Ilha Lilás (Pt)

1- Horacio Franco-Ricardo Jordão Mazda 323 4WD

Ina Delta (Yu, 19-20/10 # 59/35)

1- Tihomir Filipovic-Sasa Acimovic Lancia Delta Integrale 16 V

INA Zagreb

Indonesia (03-05/8 # 67/20)

1- Kenjiro Shinozuka-Fred Gocentas J/Atl Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Ipirotiko (Gre, 24/6 # 58/37)

1- Giorgos Kaitatzis-Giorgos Kapellas Opel Ascona 400

Motul Racing Team

Islas Canarias (E, 20-21/10 # 55/33)

1- Jesus Puras-Jose Arrarte Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Istanbul (Tk, 13-14/4 # 21/14)

1- Ercan Kaza-Cem Bakançocuklati Mazda 323 4WD

Ita (Fin, 05-06/1 # 83/50)

1- Risto Buri-Jyrki Stenroos Audi 200 Quattro

Jamhuri (Eak, 08-09/12)

1- Patrick Nijru-David Williamson Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo

Jordânia (16-18/5 # 32/24)

1- Mohammad Bin Sulayem-Ronan Morgan Db/Irl Toyota Celica GT-4

Toyota Team Middle East

Kananaskis (Can, 27-28/10 # 17/8)

1- Jorge Dascollas-Margaret Daly Mazda RX-7

Karkonoski (Pol, 19-20/10 # 39/20)

1- Pawel Przybylski-Krysztof Geborys Audi Coupe Quattro

Kentavros (Gre, 13/5 # 71/49)

1- Giorgos Kaitatzis-Giorgos Kapellas Opel Ascona 400

Motul Racing Team

Koolisugis (Urss, 20/10 # 45/36)

1- Gunnar Tamm-Tiit Robas Lada 21011

Kormoran (Pol, 16-17/6 # 49/29)

1- Marian Bublewicz-Ryszard Zyszkowski Mazda 323 4WD

Krakowski (Pol, 28/4 # 70/46)

1- Marian Bublewicz-Ryszard Zyszkowski Mazda 323 4WD

Kompass (Yu, 08-09/6)

1- Tihomir Filipovic-Sasa Acimovic Lancia Delta Integrale

Ina Zagreb

La Palma (E, 12-13/5 # 40/33)

1- Jose Maria Ponce-Gaspar Leon Bmw M3 E30

La Rioja (E, 20-21/4 # 71/51)

1- Gustavo Trelles-Arturo Puente Uru/E Lancia Delta S4

Lacs (F)

1- Jean Claude Alibert-Pegeot Renault 5 Turbo

Lagos (Arg, 04-06/5 # 67/35)

1- Gabriel Raies-Raul Campana Renault 18 GTX

Lakes (Irl, 08-09/12)

1- Bertie Fisher-Rory Kennedy Bmw M3 E30

Lamias (Gre, 03-04/11 # 40/23)

1- Leonidas Kirkos-Ioannis Stavropoulos Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Lampung (Indo, 07-09/12)

1- Arief Indiarto-Karel Harilatu Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Lana (It, 26-28/7 # 159/63)

1- Dario Cerrato-Giuseppe Cerri Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Jolly Club Fina

Lanterna (It, 21-22/4 # 138/85)

1- Maurizio Rossi-Raffaele Caliro Lancia Delta Integrale

Leande (Ao, 07-09/12 # 24/10)

1- Antonio Albuquerque-Nunes Mazda 323 4WD

Lesco (Dk, 26-27/10 # 50/29)

1- Jens Mulvad-Freddy Pedersen Opel Kadett Gsi 16V

Limone Piemonte (It, 05-07/7 # 101/54)

1- Dario Cerrato-Giuseppe Cerri Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Limousin (F, 14-19/9 # 93/65)

1- Hughes Delage-Marc Archer Bmw M3 E30

Littoral (Cmr, 03-04/2 # 9/7)

1- Bernard Penilla-Chevillon Renault 9 Turbo

Looi (B, 29-30/9 # 54/26)

1- Bruno Thiry-Dany Delvaux Opel Kadett GSI 16V

Opel Team Belgium

Lorraine (F, 11-13/5 # 87/56)

1- Jean Hug Hazard-Gerard Caizergues Bmw M3 E30

Los Tortugas (Col, 11-12/11 # 22/18)

1- Oscar Gomez-Soto Chevrolet Monza

Lozere (F, 27-29/4 # 113/73)

1- Alain Romanet-Yannick Roussel Bmw M3 E30

Luanda (Ao, 27-28/10 # 29/16)

1- Antonio Albuquerque-Nunes Mazda 323 4WD

Luga (Urss, 14-16/12 # 25/17)

1- Vladislav Shtykov-Yuriy Baykov Lada Samara 21083

Lugo (E, 08-09/6 # 84/56)

1- Gustavo Trelles-Arturo Puente Uru/E Lancia Delta S4

Lyon-Charbonnieres (F, 10-11/3 # 149/98)

1- Christian Rigollet-Michel Bathelot Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Madeira (Pt, 03-05/8 # 100/49)

1- Fabrizio Tabaton-Maurizio Imerito Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

H.F. Grifone SRL

Madrid (E, 23-24/11 # 99/68)

1- Guillermo Barreras-Ramon Minguez Citroen AX 4x4 Proto

Malaysia (01-04/9 # 39/24)

1- Ross Dunkerton-Fred Gocentas Atl Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Malski (Fin, 08-09/6 # 58/43)

1- Sebastian Lindholm-Timo Rautiainen Lancia Delta Integrale

Manastirilor (Rom)

1- Constantin Duval-Gheorghe Nemes Oltcit 12 TRS

Manawatu (Nz, 18/8 # 83/39)

1- Neil Allport-Bob Haldane Mazda 323 4WD

Mantta 200 (Fin, 11/8)

1- Markku Alen-Ilkka Kivimaki Subaru Legacy RS

Manx (Uk, 11-14/9 # 95/53)

1- Russel Brookes-Neil Wilson Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Marknads (Sw, 27/10)

1- Magnus Gustavsson Citroen BX

Maspalomas (E, 23/6)

1- Jose Maria Ponce-Gaspar Leon Bmw M3 E30

Mavro Rodo (Gre, 29-30/6 # 52/24)

1- Jigger-Konstantinos Stefanis Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Mecsek (Hun, 12-13/10 # 71/50)

1- Laszlo Ranga-Mihaly Dudas Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Medianoche (Mx, 03/3 # 36/19)

1- Augustin Zamora-Javier Marín Vw Golf

Messina (It, 20-23/9 # 82/32)

1- Piero Liatti-Luciano Tedescchini Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Midnight Sun (Fin, 07-08/7 # 44/31)

1- Antero Laine-Markku Kojo Lancia Delta Integrale

Mikron (Hun, 22-24/6 # 71/34)

1- Laszlo Ranga-Mihaly Dudas Lancia Delta Integrale

Mogurt Salgo (Hun, 05-07/5 # 95/49)

1- Attila Ferjancz-Janos Tandari Lancia Delta Integrale

Mont Blanc (F, 07-08/9 # 97/54)

1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Montagne Noire (F)

1- Serge Sastre-Michele Saury Porsche 911

Monte Carlo (19-25/1 # 178/112) 

1- Didier Auriol-Bernard Occelli F Lancia Delta Integrale

Martini Lancia

Montre (J, 15-16/9 # 53/43)

1- Yukihiko Sakurai-Toshio Omizo Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Monts Dôme (F, 06-08/4 # 89/61)

1- Jacques Tasso-Michele Ranchoux Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Monza (It, 24/11)

1- Franco Cunico-Stefano Evangelisti Bmw M3 E30

Moose Challenge (Can, 18-19/8 # 20/13)

1- Shawn Bishop-Suzanne Stewart Mazda 323 4WD

Mountain Trail (Rsa, 24-25/8 # 44/24)

1- Hannes Grobler-Piet Swanepoel Nissan Sentra 4x4

MRC 1 (Mal, 24-25/2 # 22/18)

1- Geoff Portman-Allen Atl Ford TX3

MRC 2 (Mal, 13/5 # 29/20)

1- Ross Dunkerton-Major Zainuddin Atl/Mal Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

MRC 3 (Mal, 08/7 # 34/20)

1- Henry Yap-Ron Teoh Proton Saga 4WD

Murcia (E, 19-20/10 # 62/43)

1- Gustavo Trelles-Arturo Puente Uru/E Lancia Delta S4

Nacht van Achtmaal (Ned, 06-07/10 # 93/57)

1- Erwin Doctor-Theo Badenberg Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Ford Fina Rally Team

NGK 400 (Rsa, 27-28/7 # 57/26)

1- Glen Gibbons-Peter Cuffley Toyota Conquest 4x4

Niederosterreich (A, 27-29/4 # 55/35)

1- Georg Fischer-Thomas Zeltner Audi 200 Quattro

Mig Linz

North Sweden (02-03/3 # 183/126)

1- Thorbjorn Edling-Per Rosendhal Mazda 323 4WD

Nova Zelândia (30/6-03/7 # 65/40)

1- Carlos Sainz-Luis Moya E Toyota Celica GT-4

Toyota Team Europe

Numedals (N, 03/3)

1- Arne Stenshorne-Egil Stenshorne Mazda 323 4WD

Nyanza (Eak, 29-30/9 # 19/12)

1- Marco Brighetti-Surinder Tatthi Volkswagen Golf GTi

Nyong Sanaga (Cmr, 12-14/1 # 15/7)

1- Bernard Penilla-Chevillon Renault 9 Turbo

Ojibwe Forest (Usa, 24-25/8 # 30/16)

1- Doug Shepherd-Peter Gladysz Dodge Daytona

Old Toomas (Urss, 19-20/5 # 62/31)

1- Seppo Mustonen-Jarmo Mahonen Fin Lancia Delta Integrale

Olympiako (Gre, 06/5 # 20/9)

1- Iaveris-Sakis Karanikolos Audi Quattro

Olympion (Gre, 28-29/4 # 41/26)

1- Jigger-Konstantinos Stefanis Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Oman (24-26/10 # 20/9)

1- Mohammad Bin Sulayem-Ronan Morgan Db/Irl Toyota Celica GT-4

Toyota Team Middle East

Omloop van Vlaanderen (B, 07-09/9 # 126/50)

1- Patrick Snijers-Dany Colebunders Toyota Celica GT-4

Osona (E, 04-05/8 # 103/73)

1- Josep Bassas-Antonio Rodriguez Bmw M3 E30

Blaupunkt Bmw

Ostfolf (N, 25/8)

1- Roar Vannebo-Bent Jacobsen Mazda 323 4WD

Ostgot (03-04/8 # 165/76)

1- Harry Joki-Ingemar Karlsson Peugeot 309 GTI

Otago (Nz)

1- Mark Leonard Mazda 323 4WD

Ouest (Cmr, 05-06/5 # 12/7)

1- Bernard Penilla-Chevillon Renault 9 Turbo

Ourense (E, 15-17/6 # 75/45)

1- Josep Bassas-Antonio Rodriguez Bmw M3 E30

Blaupunkt Bmw

Pagos del Tuyú (Arg, 17-18/11 # 35/22)

1- Gabriel Raies-Raul Campana Renault 18 GTX

Palm Trees (Cyp, 03-04/2 # 33/15)

1- Dimi Mavropoulos-Nikos Antoniades Audi Coupé Quattro

Penhalonga (Zw, 25/5 # 14/7)

1- Adam Wood-Cawood Nissan Stanza

Pentecôte (Ci, 02-03/6 # 18/13)

1- Patrick Tauziac-Claude Papin Mitsubishi Starion Turbo

Perce Neige (Can, 03-04/2 # 33/20)

1- Thierry Menegoz-Louis Belanger Subaru XT Coupe Turbo

Persistentes (Ao, 29-30/6 # 23/11)

1- Botelho de Souza-Mario Rui Pt Ford Escort RS

Pescara (It, 15-16/6 # 59/32)

1- Dario Cerrato-Giuseppe Cerri Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Piancavallo (It, 30/8-01/9 # 86/39) 

1- Dario Cerrato-Giuseppe Cerri Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Jolly Club

Pneumant (Ddr, 05-08/4 # 110/75)

1- Eberhard Uth-Volker Hofsomer Opel Kadett Gsi 16V

Pohjola (Fin, 16-17/3 # 53/42)

1- Sebastian Lindholm-Risto Mannisenmaki Lancia Delta Integrale

Polo Nortea (Ao, 15/4 # 27/14)

1- Luis Oliveira-Paulo Pinha Pt Ford Escort RS

Polonia (06-07/7 # 53/29)

1- Robert Droogmans-Ronny Joosten B Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Jolly Club

Polva (Urss, 29/9)

1- Ivar Raidam-Margus Karjane Lada Samara 2108

Porto (Pt, 20-22/4 # 42/24)

1- Antonio Coutinho-Candido Junior Toyota Celica GT-4

Salvador Caetano Mobil Toyota

Portugal (06-10/3 # 100/34) 

1- Miki Biasion-Tiziano Siviero It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Martini Lancia

Press on Regardless (Usa, 26-28/10 # 40/30)

1- Paul Choiniere-Scott Weinheimer Audi Coupe Quattro

Proserpina (It, 06-07/10)

1- Marco Gatti-Massimiliano Cerrari Bmw M3 E30

Principe de Asturias (E, 07-09/9 # 85/45)

1- Jesus Puras-Jose Arrarte Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Jolly Club

Puebla (Mx, 12/5 # 25/16)

1- Augustin Zamora-Javier Marín Vw Golf

Qatar (15-16/2 # 33/11)

1- Mohammad Bin Sulayem-Ronan Morgan Db/Irl Toyota Celica GT-4

Toyota Team Middle East

Queensland (Atl, 03-05/8 # 34/24)

1- Ed Ordynski-Mark Nelson Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Rac (Uk, 25-28/11 # 175/94)

1- Carlos Sainz-Luis Moya E Toyota Celica GT-4

Toyota Team Europe

Rac 1000 (Mx, 11/8 # 40/27)

1- Giuseppe Spataro-L Spataro Volkswagen Golf GTi

Raymondis (Eak, 17/6 # 35/21)

1- Jim Heather Hayes-Anton Levitan Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo

Rias Baixas (E)

1- German Castrillion-Estrela Castrillion Ford Sierra Cosworth

Rift Valley (Eak, 17/2 # 27/12)

1- Johnny Hellier-David Williamson Volkswagen Golf GTi

Rim of the World (Usa, 28-29/4 # 19/13)

1- Rod Millen-Tony Sircombe Nz Mazda 323 3WD

Rio Tercero (Arg, 09-11/2 # 73/34)

1- Gabriel Raies-Raul Campana Renault 18 GTX

Rioja (Arg, 25-27/5 # 54/23)

1- Carlos Menem jr-Victor Zucchini Renault 19 GTX

Riviera Opatija (Yu, 20-22/4 # 69/52)

1- Branislav Kuzmic-Marjan Ramovz Renault 5 GT Turbo

AS IMV Renault

Rocky Mountain (Can, 12/5 # 20/16)

1- Wojtek Grabowski-Jerzy Dabrowsky Pol Toyota Celica GT-4

Ronde des 3 M (Nc)

1- Jean Louis Leyraud Alfa Romeo 75 Turbo

Ronde des Cannes (Cmr, 06-07/4 # 13/7)

1- Harry Stillenmukes-Autin Mitsubishi Pajero

Rota do Sol (Pt, 25-27/5 # 41/29)

1- Joaquim Santos-Miguel Oliveira Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Diabolique Motorsport

Rouergue (F, 20-22/7 # 73/32) 

1- François Chatriot-Michel Perin Bmw M3 E30

Bastos Motul Bmw

Saarland (D, 06-07/4 # 91/74)

1- Ronald Holzer-Klaus Wendell Lancia Delta Integrale

AM Motorsport

Sachs Winter (D, 23-24/2 # 41/30)

1- Sepp Haider-Ferdi Hinterleitner A Opel Kadett Gsi 16V

Safari (Eak, 11-16/4 # 59/10)

1- Bjorn Waldegaard-Fred Gallagher Sw/Uk Toyota Celica GT-4

Toyota Team Kenya

Safari du Zaire (22-25/2 # 38/6)

1- Eduardo Argazzi-Ricardo Argazzi Audi Coupé Quattro

Saint Cergue (Sui, 07-08/9 # 98/55)

1- Philippe Camandona-Pierre Periat Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Scuderia Chicco d'Oro

Sainte Baume (F, 23-25/3 # 92/59)

1- Christian Xiberras-Marie Guarino Simca Rallye 3

Salento (It, 25-27/5 # 38/21)

1- Piero Liatti-Luciano Tedeschini Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Grifone Esso

San Luis (Arg, 20-21/10 # 32/19)

1- Jorge Bescham-Jose Garcia Fiat Regatta

San Marino (09-11/11 # 113/44)

1- Michele Gregis-Ciceri It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Astra Racing

Sanair (Can)

1- Sylvain Vincent-Paul Turgeaon Toyota Corolla

Sanfroilan (E)

1- German Castrillon-Estrela Castrillon Ford Sierra Cosworth

Sanremo (It, 14-18/10)

1- Didier Auriol-Bernard Occelli F Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Lancia Martini

Santander (E)

1- Jesus Puras-Miguel Arrarte Ford Escort Cosworth

Sanyo 1000 (Eak, 20-21/10 # 19/12)

1- Patrick Nijru-David Williamson Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo

Saturnus (Yu, 25-26/5 # 111/60)

1- Georg Fischer-Thomas Zeltner A Audi 200 Quattro

Schweriner Seen (Ddr, 26-27/5 # 87/60)

1- Eberhard Uth-Volker Hofsommer Opel Kadett Gsi 16V

Selbas (Zw, 17/11 # 23/15)

1- Billy Rautenbach-John Mitchell Audi Quattro

Semperit (A, 09-10/11 # 115/75)

1- Sepp Haider-Christian Geistdorfer A/D Opel Kadett Gsi

Deutsches Opel Team

Sezoens (B, 12-13/5 # 88/49)

1- Jos Boon-Freddy Pauwels Mazda RX-7

Siavonga 1000 (Z, 28-29/4)

1- Satwant Singh-Ann Lee Singh Volkswagen Golf GTi

Sierra Morena (E, 17-18/3 # 97/58)

1- Jesus Puras-José Arrarte Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Skaraborgs (Sw, 14-15/9 # 92/63)

1- Mats Jonsson-Lars Backman Toyota Celica GT-4

Toyota Team Sweden

Snezhinka (Urss, 20-21/1)

1- Sergey Uspenskiy-Alexey Zyablov Lada Samara 21083

Snofresser'n (N, 03/02)

1- Per Engseth-Arne Eikasen Mazda 323 4WD

Snowman (Sco, 17/1 # 111/72)

1- George Gauld-Stella Boyles Mazda 323 4WD

Somar (Sw, 30/6)

1- Steve Olofsson Mazda 323 4WD

Sopete (Pt, 26-28/1 # 51/30)

1- Joaquim Santos-Miguel Oliveira Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Diabolique Motorsport

South Africa

1- Sarel van der Merwe-Franz Boshoff Audi Quattro

South Sweden (01-03/6 # 163/76)

1- Mats Jonsson-Lars Backman Toyota Celica GT-4

Southland (Nz, 01/6 # 67/45)

1- Neil Allport-Bob Haldane Mazda 323 4WD

Spirit (J, 02-03/6 # 58/53)

1- Mitsuo Ayabe-Tetsuya Mori Nissan Bluebird SSS-R

Spring (J, 21-22/4 # 60/44)

1- Yukihiko Sakurai-Toshio Omizo Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Stari Stolici (Bg, 01-02/9 # 38/18)

1- Stoyan Kolev-Boyko Ignatov Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Sumava (Tch, 18-19/5 # 135/79)

1- Matthias Moosleitner-Sig Schrankel D Bmw M3 E30

Kathrein Matter

Sunriser 400 (Usa, 30-31/3 # 67/46)

1- Paul Choiniere-Scott Weinheimer Audi Coupé Quattro

Susquehannock Trail (Usa, 01-03/6 # 62/31)

1- Jeff Zwart-Coal Coatsworth Mazda 323 4WD

Tailandia (23-25/11 # 55/21)

1- Kenjiro Shinozuka-Fred Gocentas J/Atl Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Talavera (E, 14-15/9 # 73/43)

1- Jose Maria Bardolet-Josep Ferrer Ford Escort RS Cosworth

Tall Pines (Can, 24-25/11 # 33/24)

1- Tim O’Neill-Martin Headland Usa Vw Golf G60 Rallye

Talsi (Urss, 21-23/9 3 69/47)

1- Ivars Caune-Andris Simkus Lada Samara 21083

Targa Florio (It, 27-29/4 # 112/60)

1- Piero Liatti-Luciano Tedeschini Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Tasmânia (Atl, 31/3-01/4 # 36/22)

1- Georg Fury-Ross Runnals Mitsubishi Galant VR-8

Tatry (Tch, 14-15/9 # 71/44)

1- Pavel Sibera-Petr Gross Skoda 136 L


1- Pol Lietaer-Verschaeve Ford Sierra Cosworth

Teboil (Fin, 21-22/9 # 52/45)

1- Sebastian Lindholm-Timo Hantunen Lancia Delta Integrale

Tehumardi (Urss, 09-10/11 # 74/54)

1- Ilmar Raiar-Rein Talvar Lada 2105 VFTS

Tenerife (E, 01/7 # 50/38)

1- Jose Maria Ponce-Gaspar Leon Bmw M3 E30

Terre de Charente (F, 06-08/7 # 70/36)

1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Lancia Fina

Terre de Corse (F, 15-16/9 # 67/24)

1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Lancia Fina

Terre de Fos (F, 16-18/2 # 96/53)

1- Christian Dorche-Didier Breton Citroen Visa 1000 Pistes

Terre de Provence (F, 11-13/5 # 108/60)

1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Lancia Fina

Terre des Cardabelles (F, 26-28/10 # 95/54)

1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Lancia Fina

Terre du Dauphiné (F, 08-10/6 # 76/43)

1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Lancia Fina

Terre Inzal (Zai)

1- Eduardo Argazzi-Ricardo Argazzi Audi Coupe Quattro

Thermaikou (Gre, 20/5 # 72/49)

1- Giorgos Kaitatzis-Giorgos Kapellas Opel Ascona 400

Motul Racing Team

Tiadaghton (Usa, 12/5 56/43)

1- Paul Choiniere-Scott Weinheimer Audi Coupé Quattro

Tierra Aviles (E)

1- Daniel Alonso-Santiago Belzunces Ford Sierra Cosworth

Tiger (Cyp, 07-08/7 # 46/19)

1- Dimi Mavropoulos-Nikos Antoniades Audi Coupé Quattro

Toluca (Mx, 20/10 # 20/14)

1- Jorge Campos-Jimenez Eagle Talon Tsi

Total (Rsa, 02-04/8)

1- Tony Pond-Geoff Mortimer Uk/Rsa Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Tour d'Europe (02-13/10 # 38/26)

1- Eugenius Tumaliavichus-Pranas Videika Lada Samara 21083

Tour de Corse (F, 06-09/5 # 94/48) 

1- Didier Auriol-Bernard Occelli Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Martini Lancia

Tour de Nice (F, 18-20/5 # 119/65)

1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Lancia France

Tour de Reunion (03-05/8 # 63/33)

1- Bernard Beguin-Philippe Ozoux Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Bastos Ford Rally Team

Tour de Shikoku (J, 19-20/5 # 60/46)

1- Mitsuo Ayabe-Tetsuya Mori Nissan Bluebird SSS-R

Tour de Valvoline (Rsa, 23-24/2 # 62/35)

1- Jan habig-Douglas Judd Nissan Skyline R31

Tour of Cumbria (Uk)

1- John Weatherly-Mike Comer Mazda 323 4WD

Tour of Cyprus (40/24 # 40/24)

1- Dimi Mavropoulos-Nikos Antoniades Audi Coupé Quattro

Toyota Dealers (Rsa, 21-22/9 # 66/35)

1- Jan Habig-Douglas Judd Nissan Sentra 4x4

Trans Itapuã (Py, 20-21/7 # 41/23)

1- Eduardo Eliezeche-Victor Fadul Volkswagen Gol

Transchaco (Py27-30/9 # 92/20)

1- Edgar Molas-Hector Eliezeche Toyota Celica GT-4

Trondelag (N, 30/6)

1- Roar Vannebo-Bent Jacobsen Mazda 323 4WD

Tulip (Cyp, 03-04/11 # 49/25)

1- Dimi Mavropoulos-Nikos Antoniades Audi Coupé Quattro

Turquia (29-30/6 # 63/18)

1- Philippe Bugalski-Denis Giraudet F Renault 11 Turbo

Renault Sport

Uslava (Tch, 06-07/4)

1- Stanislav Talian-Josef Sampalik Skoda 130 L

JZD Milonovice

Ulster (Irl, 27-28/7 # 65/42)

1- David Llewelin-Phil Short Toyota Celica GT-4

Valais (Sui, 26-27/10 # 81/49)

1- Sepp Haider-Christian Geistdorfer A/D Opel Kadett Gsi 16V

Deutsches Opel Team

Valasska (Tch, 26-27/10 # 55/39)

1- Pavel Sibera-Petr Gross Skoda Favorit 136 L

Skoda Mlada Boleslav

Valeo (E, 10-11/11 # 98/49)

1- Dario Cerrato-Giuseppe Cerri It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Jolly Club

Valge Daam (Urss, 23-24/11)

1- Hillar Teder-Andres Kogermann Lada 2107

Valle d'Aosta (It, 02-03/3 # 84/51)

1- Piergiorgio Deila-Pierangelo Scalvini Lancia Delta Integrale

Valli Bresciane (It)

1- Andréa Dallavilla Lancia Delta Integrale

Var (F, 23-25/11 # 152/78)

1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Lancia Fina

Varmland (Sw, 06-07/7 # 109/71)

1- Mats Jonsson-Lars Backman Toyota Celica GT-4

Toyota Team Sweden

Veneto (It, 12-13/5 # 155/89)

1- Luigi Dalla Pozza-Mauro Peruzzi Bmw M3 E30

Venus (Cyp, 09-10/6 # 41/16)

1- Dimi Mavropoulos-Nikos Antoniades Audi Coupé Quattro

Veszprem (Hun, 27-29/7 # 65/37)

1- Attila Ferjancz-Janos Tandari Lancia Delta Integrale

Vigo (E, 06-07/7 # 93/52)

1- Gustavo Trelles-Arturo Puente Uru/E Lancia Delta S4


Villa de Llanes (E, 01-03/6 # 65/37)

1- Jesus Puras-Jose Arrarte Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Jolly Club

Vinter (Dk, 09-10/2 # 60/40)

1- Jorgen Nielsen-Soren Brodersen Opel Kadett Gsi 16V

Vltava Pribram (Tch, 05-07/10 # 69/38)

1- Vaclav Blahna-Pavel Schovannek Opel Kadett Gsi

JZD Slusovice

Volkswagen (Rsa, 06-07/4 # 54/24)

1- Serge Damseaux-Vito Bonafede Toyota Conquest 4x4

Volta a Portugal (03-05/5 # 50/13)

1- Antonio Coutinho-Candido Junior Toyota Celica GT-4

Salvador Caetano Mobil Toyota

Voyageurs (Can, 08-09/9 # 39/21)

1- Bruno Kreibich-Jeff Becker Audi Quattro

Vuelta al Ecuador

1- Ernesto Dávalos Toyota

Vuelta Manzana (Arg, 14-16/9 # 53/23)

1- Gabriel Raies-Raul Campana Renault 18 GTX


1- John Weatherly-Ernie Clark Mazda 323 4WD

Wallonie (B, 12-14/10 # 75/49)

1- Marc Duez-Yves Bozet Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Wartburg (Ddr, 18-20/10)

1- Sepp Haider-Christian Geistdorfer A/D Opel Kadett Gsi 16V

Welsh (Uk, 05-06/5 # 150/69)

1- David Llewelin-Phil Short Toyota Celica GT-4

Toyota Team Great Britain

Wesbank (Rsa, 19-20/10 # 59/18)

1- Jan Habig-Douglas Judd Nissan Sentra 4x4

Wikinger (Dk, 09-10/3 # 103/71)

1- Jan Mortensen-Finn Mogensen Ford Sierra RS Cosworth

Winter (J, 03-04/2 # 60/58)

1- Yujiro Nishio-Akiko Yamaguchi Mitsubishi Galant VR-4

Wisla (Pol, 21-23/9 # 50/32)

1- Marian Bublewicz-Ryszard Zyskowski Mazda 323 4WD

Wismut (Ddr, 29-30/9 # 66/55)

1- Eberhard Uth-Volker Hofsommer Opel Kadett Gsi 16V

Wittenberg (Ddr, 17-18/3)

1- Udo Schiffmann-Rudiger Hahner Opel Manta B

Wyedean Forest (Uk)

1- David Llewelin-Phil Short Toyota Celica GT-4

Yalta (Urss, 20-21/10 # 33/21)

1- Sergey Alyasov-Aleksandr Levitan Lada Samara 21083

Yorkshire (Uk)

1- David Thompson-Craig Thorley Ford Sierra Cosworth

Ypres (B, 30/6-01/7 # 176/91) 

1- Robert Droogmans-Ronny Joosten Lancia Delta Integrale 16V

Jolly Club

Yu (20-23/9 # 68/34)

1- Branislav Kuzmic-Marjan Ramovz Renault 5 GT Turbo

Zahorie (Tch)

1- Josef Beres-Vojtech Bodon Opel Manta

Zambia (30/6-01/7 # 16/9)

1- Walter Costa-Rudi Cantanhede Rw/Bu Peugeot 205 T16

Zimbabwe (17-19/8 # 40/11)

1- Satwant Singh-Surinder Tatthi Z/Eak Volkswagen Golf GTi

Zimowy (Pol)

1- Marian Bublewicz-Ryszard Zyskowski Mazda 323 4WD

Zuiderzee (Ned, 27-28/10)

1- John Bosch-Kevin Gormley Ned/Uk Bmw M3 E30

Marlboro Bmw Dealer

        contato: rallymemoryblog@gmail.com

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