3A (Ci, 02-03/3 # 16/10)
1- Patrick Tauziac-Claude Papin Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
3 Stadte (D, 24-27/10 # 88/53)
1- Erwin Weber-Manfred Hiemer Volkswagen Golf GTI 16V
Volkswagen Motorsport
12 Heures Chievres (B, 06-07/7)
1- Guy Grammet-Davie Meert Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Rizla + Team
12 Heures Braine le Comte (B, 16/6)
1- Marc Soulet-Philippe Willem Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Royale Ecurie Azur
12 Heures de Marche (B, 17-18/5)
1- Guy Grammet-Davie Meert Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Rizla + Team
100 Jarve (Est, 19-20/7 # 49/34)
1- Aavo Pikkuus-Lehar Linno Lada Samara
111 Minuti (It, 21-22/9)
1- Olivier Burri-Christophe Hoffmann Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Scuderia Chicco d'Oro
1000 Lakes (Fin)
1- Juha Kankkunen-Juha Piironen Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Martini Lancia
1000 Miglia (It, 14-16/3 # 84/44)
1- Franco Cunico-Stefeno Evangelisti Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ford Italia
Abruzzo (It, 21-23/6)
1- Franco Cunico-Stefeno Evangelisti Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ford Italia
Açores (Pt, 27-30/6 # 40/15)
1- Carlos Bica-Fernando Prata Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Duriforte Tabaqueira
Acropolis (Gre, 01-06/6 # 93/35)
1- Juha Kankkunen-Juha Piironen Fin Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Martini Lancia
Agriniou (Gre, 05/5)
1- Gakis Kalemtzakis-Akilas Mavridis Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ain Jura (F)
1- Jacques Tasso-Michele Ranchoux Ford Escort RS Cosworth
Algarve (Pt, 01-02/11 # 42/14)
1- Carlos Bica-Fernando Prata Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Duriforte SG Gigante
Algoa (Rsa, 19-20/7 # 38/33)
1- Sarel van der Merwe-Franz Boshoff Ford Laser Turbo 4WD
Ali Sipahi (Tk, 15-16/11 # 24/12)
1- Serdar Bostanci-Cihat Gurkan Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Alicante (E, 13/4)
1- Jose Maria Bardolet-Antonio Rodriguez Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Alpes Vaudoises (Sui, 28-29/6 # 73/48)
1- François Bonny-Christine Bonny Lancia Delta Integrale
Lugano Racing Team
Alpi Orientalli (It, 27-28/7 # 143/76)
1- Renato Travaglia-Emiliano Castioni Bmw M3 E30
Alpine (Atl, 26-28/4 # 43/22)
1- Murray Coote-Coral Taylor Mazda 323 GTX
Alsace Vosges (F, 31/5-01/6 # 135/82)
1- Bernard Béguin-Jean Marc Andrie Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ford Bastos Castrol
Alto Tâmega (Pt, 28/9 # 40/28)
1- José Miguel-Luis Lisboa Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
1- Carles Puig-Jordi Lorente Renault 5 GT Turbo
Antibes (F, 25-29/9 # 102/51))
1- Bernard Beguin-Jean Marc Andrie Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ford Bastos Castrol
Arctic (Fin, 18/1 # 66/41)
1- Mikael Sundstrom-Jakke Hokanen Mazda 323 4WD
Argentina (23-27/7 # 87/34)
1- Carlos Sainz-Luis Moya E Toyota Celica GT-4
Toyota Team Europe
Artemis (Gre, 28/4 # 25/14)
1- Notis Giagnisis-Giorgos Kerantzakis Mazda 323 GTX
Audi Sport (Uk, 18-19/10 # 62/35)
1- David Llewelin-Mike Corner Nissan Sunny GTI-R
Nissan Motorsports Europe
Australia (20-24/9 # 59/36)
1- Juha Kankkunen-Juha Piironen Fin Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Martini Lancia
Auto Charlevoix (Can, 02-03/11 # 18/15)
1- Frank and Sprongl Audi Coupé Quattro
Autumn Trail (Rsa)
1- Glen Gibbons-Peter Cuffley Toyota Conquest
Avram Iancu (Rom)
1- Ludovic Balint-Constantin Zarnescu Dacia 1300
Baie des Challeurs (Can, 12-13/7 # 25/20)
1- Bruno Kreibich-Jeffrey Becker Usa Audi Quattro
Balaguer (E, 26/10)
1- Guillermo Barreras-Ramon Minguez Citroen AX 4x4 Proto Turbo
Bandama (Ci, 27-31/10 # 37/9)
1- Kenjiro Shinozuka-John Meadows J/Uk Mitsubishi Galant VR4
Mitsubishi Oil Ralliart
1- Roger Skeete-Roger Fields Peugeot 205 Gti
Barborka (Pol, 07-09/12)
1- Marek Sadowski-Krzysztof Konski Mazda 323 GTX
Barum (Tch, 14-16/6 # 79/39)
1- Patrick Snijers-Dany Colebunders B Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Bastos Ford Rally Team
Bayerwald (D, 27/2-02/3 # 51/41)
1- Dieter Depping-Jurgen Feigenspan Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Berglags (Sw)
1- Peter Friberg Audi 90 Quattro
Berlin-Bradenbourg (D, 21-22/6)
1- Dieter and Janina Depping Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Bethunois (F)
1- Jose Bárbara-Chantal Bárbara Porsche 911 Turbo
Bianchi (B, 30-31/8 # 102/59)
1- Marc Soulet-Philippe Bouvier Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Rizla + Team
Bighorn (Can, 18-19/5 # 12/11)
1- Wojtek Grabowski-Jerzy Dabrowski Pol Toyota Celica GT-4
Blue Gum (Zw, 15/10 # 10/7)
1- Abe Smit-Les Wild Audi 90 Quattro
Bogazice (Tk, 17-18/5 # 26/7)
1- Mohammed Bin Sulayem-Ronan Morgan Db/Irl Toyota Celica GT-4
Marlboro Toyota Middle East
Bohemia (Tch, 12-13/7 # 105/59)
1- Bruno Thiry-Stephane Prevot Opel Kadett GSI
Opel Team Belgium
Bouaké (Ci, 30-31/3)
1- Samir Assef-Clement Konan Lib Toyota Celica GT-4
Boucles de Spa (B, 01-03/2 # 83/40)
1- Patrick Snijers-Dany Colebunders Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Bastos Ford Rally Team
BP Visco (Eak, 03-04/8 # 27/12)
1- Ian Duncan-David Williamson Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo
Brasov (Rom)
1- Constantin Duval-Gheorghe Nemes Oltcit 12 TS
Bratstvo Jedinstvo (Yu, 12-15/9 # 24/12)
1- Branislav Kuzmic-Marjan Ramovz Renault Clio 16V
IMV Renault
Bridgestone (Atl)
1- Rob Herridge-Steve Vanderbyl Subaru Legacy RS
Budapest (Hun, 16-17/8 # 105/60)
1- Laszlo Ranga-Erno Buki Lancia Delta Integrale
MHB Rallye Team
Bursa (Tk, 03-04/5 # 25/13)
1- Enre Yerlicci-Ilham Dokumcu Lancia Delta Integrale
Burundi (11-13/10 # 23/10)
1- Aldo Riva-Enrico Roveda It Audi 90 Quattro
Cacao (Ci, 27-28/4)
1- Patrick Tauziac-Claude Papin Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Caja Cantabria (E, 04-05/5 # 51/34)
1- Jose Maria Ponce-Jose Carlos Deni Bmw M3 E30
Cajalicante (E, 18-19/5 # 75/44)
1- Gustavo Trelles-Ricardo Ivetich Uru Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Jolly Club
Calgary Winter (Cxan, 23/2 # 16/15)
1- Shawn Bishop-Suzanne Stewart Mazda 323 4WD
Camélias (Pt, 09-10/2 # 46/24)
1- José Miguel-Luis Lisboa Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Camiños del Incas (P)
1- Ricardo Flores-Ricardo Alayza Toyota Celica GT-4
Canberra (Atl, 01/1)
1- Ross Dunkerton-Fred Gocentas Mitsubishi Galant VR4
Canterbury (Nz, 11/5 # 83/61)
1- Possum Bourne-Rodger Freeth Subaru Legacy RS
Castrol (I, 05-07/10)
1- Narayanaswamy Leelakrishnan-Jose Maruti Gypsy
Castrol (Rsa, 17-19/5 # 39/17)
1- Serge Damseaux-Vito Bonafede Toyota Conquest 4x4
Catalunya (E, 10-13/11 # 76/33)
1- Armin Schwarz-Arne Hertz D/Sw Toyota Celica GT-4
Toyota Team Europe
Cesky Krumlov (Cz, 24-26/5 # 83/45)
1- Vaclav Blahna-Pavel Schovanek Opel Kadett GSI
Charente (F, 05-07/7 # 81/37)
1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Lancia Fina
Charminar Challenge (I, 07-09/12)
1- Narayanaswamy Leelakrishnan-Jose Maruti Gypsy
Circuit des Ardennes (B, 15-16/3 # 118/69)
1- Patrick Snijers-Dany Colebunders Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Bastos Ford Rally Team
Circuito da Irlanda (29/3-01/4)
1- Colin McRae-Derek Ringer Subaru Legacy RS
Rothmans Subaru UK Rally Team
Coachman Stages (Usa, 08-10/11 # 20/17)
1- Paul Choiniere-Scott Weinheimer Audi Coupe Quattro
Coffs Harbour (Atl, 05-07/7 # 52/33)
1- Rob Herridge-Steve Vanderbyl Subaru Liberty RS
Condroz (B, 08-10/11 # 162/70)
1- Patrick Snijers-Dany Colebunders Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Bastos Castrol Rally Team
Cork 20 (Irl, 05-06/10 # 60/30)
1- Kenny McKinstry-Robbie Philpott Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Corse (F, 21-22/9 # 48/25)
1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Lancia Fina
Costa Cálida (E, 02/3)
1- Jose Maria Bardolet-Antonio Rodriguez Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Costa Smeralda (It, 10-12/4 # 75/34)
1- Juha Kankkunen-Juha Piironen Fin Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Martini Racing
Cotton City (I, 21-23/6 # 25/14)
1- Narayanaswamy Leelakrishnan-Jose Maruti Gypsy
Court (Sui, 12/10 # 49/31)
1- Olivier Burri-Christophe Hoffmann Toyota Celica GT-4
Scuderia Chicco d'Oro
Cresta (Zw, 28/3 # 15/10)
1- Peter Rautenbach-Redmond Audi Quattro
Criterium Alpin (F)
1- Jean Ragnotti-Gilles Thimonier
Criterium des Cevennes (F, 01-03/11 # 143/79)
1- Bernard Beguin-Jean Marc Andrie Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ford Bastos Castrol
Criterium Jurassien (Sui, 22-23/3 # 91/57)
1- Erwin Keller-Roni Hofman Mitsubishi Galant VR4
Ecurie Basilisk
Cyprus (26-29/9 # 86/28)
1- Antonis Ieropoulos-Michalakis Maes Mitsubishi Galant VR4
Danmark (14-16/6 # 102/48)
1- Jorgen Nielsen-Per Johansen Opel Kadett GSI 16V
Darthmouth Highlands (Can, 16-18/8 # 8/8)
1- Frank and Sprongl Audi Coupé Quattro
Deth (Gre, 14-15/9 # 60/33)
1- Konstantinos Apostolou-Dionissis Bellas Lancia Delta Integrale
Deutschland (18-19/7 # 80/42)
1- Piero Liatti-Luciano Tedeschini It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Art Engineering
Dodonis (Gre, 09-10/3 # 38/24)
1- Jigger-Konstantinos Stefanis Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Dolnoslaski (Pol, 22-24/2 # 39/25)
1- Pawel Przybylski-Krzysztof Geborys Audi Coupé Quattro
Texas Racing Team
Donegal (Irl, 21-23/6 # 120/61)
1- James Cullen-Ellen Morgan Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Drammen (N, 09/3 # 154/109)
1- Arne Stenshorne-Egil Stenshorne Mazda 323 4 WD
Dubai (05-06/12 # 45/18)
1- Mohammed Bin Sulayem-Ronan Morgan Db/Irl Toyota Celica GT-4
Dukeries (Uk)
1- Pete Doughty-Jeremy Freeman Uk Ford Sierra Cosworth
East Coast (Dk, 28/9 # 54/44)
1- Jan Mortensen-Jorgen Aunso Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
East Safari (Cyp, 16-17/2 # 46/25)
1- Andreas Tsouloftas-Moisis Kalathas Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Ege (Tk, 02-03/8 # 18/13)
1- Iskender Atakan-Yusuf Avimelek Lancia Delta Integrale
El Corte Ingles (E, 21-23/3 # 61/34)
1- Fabrizio Tabaton-Maurizio Imerito It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
H.F. Grifone SRL
Elba (It, 17-18/5 # 60/21)
1- Dario Cerrato-Giuseppe Cerri Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Lancia Fina
Eldoret (Eak)
1- Ian Duncan-Dave Williamson Subaru Legacy RS
Ele (Ned)
1- Jan van der Marel-B Heijligers Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Elmot (Pol, 18-19/5 # 47/35)
1- Marian Bublewicz-Ryszard Zyskowski Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Marlboro Rally Team Poland
Entre Rios (Arg)
1- Gabriel Raies-Jorge Gonzales Renault 18 GTX
Equator (Eak, 14-15/9 # 37/16)
1- Ian Duncan-David Williamson Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo
Escocia (31/5-01/6 # 52/29)
1- Colin McRae-Derek Ringer Subaru Legacy RS
Rothmans Subaru UK Rally Team
Expo (A, 09-11/5 # 33/18)
1- Christoph Dirtl-Jorg Pattermann Lancia Delta Integrale
Express (Hun, 21-22/6 # 95/66)
1- Laszlo Ranga-Erno Buki Lancia Delta Integrale
Fenouilledes (F)
1- Jean F Berenguer-Lucette Saintin Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ferodo (Zw, 26/1 # 20/9)
1- Adam Wood-Cawood Nissan Stanza
Ferrol (E)
1- German Castrillon-E Castrillon Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Festival State (Atl, 14-16/6 # 54/33)
1- Rob Herridge-Steve Vanderbyl Subaru Liberty RS
Festiwalowy (Pol, 05-07/7 # 49/21)
1- Marian Bublewicz-Ryszard Zyskowski Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Marlboro Rally Team Poland
Figueira da Foz (Pt, 22-24/3 # 34/27)
1- Carlos Bica-Fernando Prata Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Duriforte Tabaqueira
Finnskog Vinter (N, 01-03/2 # 81/48)
1- Kale Grundell-Ulf Nordin Sw Mazda 323 4WD
Firestone (Eak, 12/5 # 45/32)
1- Ian Duncan-David Williamson Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo
Flandres (F)
1- Thierry David-Jean Pierre Berger Renault R5 GT Turbo
Flesberg (N, 12/1)
1- Arne and Egil Stenshorne Mazda 323 4 WD
Forest (Atl, )
1- Ross Dunkerton-Mick Harker Mitsubishi Galant VR4
Franken (D, 21-23/3 # 62/41)
1- Ronald Holzer-Klaus Wendell Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Mitsubishi Motors Deutschland
Fruhligs (A, 05-06/4 # 61/42)
1- Raphael Sperrer-Bernhard Mann Volkswagen Golf GTI 16V
Fthiotidas (Gre, 09-10/11 # 35/24)
1- Stratissino-Tonia Pavli Nissan Sunny GTI-R
N.I. Theocharakis
Gagnoa (Ci, 07-08/12)
1- Patrick Tauziac-Solange Barrault Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Galway (Irl, 09-10/2 # 73/30)
1- Austin McHale-Dermot O’Gorman Bmw M3 E30
Garrigues (F, 01-03/3 # 75/39)
1- Fabrizio Tabaton-M Imerito It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
H.F. Grifone SRL
Gastrikland (Sw, 25-26/1)
1- Nale Johansson-Anders Olsson Mazda 323 GTX
Mazda Team Sweden
Gemer (Cz, 28-29/6 # 60/41)
1- Jindrich Stolfa-Zdenek Hawel Skoda Favorit 136 L
Gijon (E, 09/6 # 61/36)
1- Jose Maria Bardolet-Antonio Rodriguez Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Gjonge (Dk, 26/10 # 49/35)
1- Jan Mortensen-Finn Mogensen Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Gold Rush (Usa, 04-06/10 # 40/28)
1- Bruno Kreibich-Jeff Becker Audi Quattro
Graciosa (Br)
1- Paulo Lemos-Ricardo Costa Volkswagen Gol
Granite City (Sco)
1- Trevor Smith-Roger Jones Uk Ford Escort RS Cosworth
Grasse Alpin (F, 04-06/4 # 128/68)
1- Jean Ragnotti-Gilles Thimonier Renault Clio 16S
Société Diac
Grusspruten (N, 107/91)
1- Roar Vannebo-Bent Jacobsen Toyota Celica GT-4
Guru Nanak (Eak, 23-24/11 # 40/23)
1- Steve Anthony-Philip Valentine Mazda 323 4WD
Halkidiki (Gre, 27-29/8 # 63/39)
1- Piero Liatti-Luciano Tedeschini It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Art Engineering
Hanki (Fin, 22-24/2 # 79/38)
1- Lasse Lampi-Pentti Kuukkala Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Mitsubishi Ralliart Finland
Hannut (B, 23/3 # 81/51)
1- Jean MarcGaban-Freddy Macq Porsche 911 SC RS
Ecurie Bruxelloise
Harjumaa (Est, 11-12/10)
1- Ilmar Raisar-Rein Talvar Lada 2105 VFTS
Haspengouw (B, 10-11/5 # 88/55)
1- Patrick Snijers-Dany Colebunders Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Bastos Ford Rally Team
Hautes Fagnes (B, 05-06/4 # 57/33)
1- Marc Duez-Klaus Wicha Toyota Celica GT-4
Haveland (D)
1- Dieter Depping-Janina Hopfner Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Hebros (Bul, 29-30/6 # 59/32)
1- Serdar Bostanci-Cihat Gurkan Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Hedemarken (N, 21/9 # 127/91)
1- Ove Olofsson-Berit Tanbjor Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Hellendoorn (Ned, 22-23/11 # 95/57)
1- Dieter Depping-Klaus Wendell D Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Hermes (Gre, 18-20/10 # 33/19)
1- Stratissino-Tonia Pavli Nissan Sunny GTI-R
N.I. Theocharakis
Hertug (Dk, 27/4 # 62/50)
1- Jan Mortensen-Finn Mogensen Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Hessen (D, 30/5-01/6 # 90/52)
1- Erwin Weber-Manfred Hiemer VW Golf G60
Volkswagen Motorsport
Hitit (Tk, 09-10/8 # 18/16)
1- Iskender Atakan-Yusuf Avimelek Lancia Delta Integrale
Holstebro (Dk, 02/3 # 65/50)
1- Jorgen Nielsen-Per Johansen Opel Kadett GSI 16V
Hunsruck (D, 06-07/7 # 81/32)
1- Erwin Weber-Manfred Hiemer VW Golf G60
Volkswagen Motorsport
Ina Delta (Yu, 21-22/7 # 61/28)
1- Tihomir Filipovic-Roberta Merluzzi Yu/It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Indonesia (01-04/8 # 58/24)
1- Ross Dunkerton-Fred Gocentas Atl Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Islas Canarias (E, 17/3 # 41/24)
1- Luis Monzon-Jose Rodriguez Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Istanbul (Tk, 01/6)
1- Ercan Kazaz-Cem Bakançocuklari Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Jamhuri (Eak, 07-08/12 # 35/29)
1- Patrick Nijru-Ian Munro Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo
Kananaskis (Can, 26-27/10 # 10/8)
1- Tim Bendle-Art MacKenzie Pontiac Fiero
Karkonoski (Pol, 24-26/10 # 45/23)
1- Marian Bublewicz-Ryszard Zyskowski Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Marlboro Rally Team Poland
Karnataka 1000 (I, 12-13/8)
1- Narayanaswamy Leelakrishnan-Jose Maruti Gypsy
Kohle und Stahl (D, 19/10 # 61/44)
1- Armin Wahl-Jurgen Frohlich Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Kolsva Pokalen (Sw, 11-12/1 # 213/152)
1- Mats Jonsson-Lars Backman Toyota Celica GT-4
Toyota Team Sweden
Krakowski (Pol, 19-20/4 # 53/30)
1- Marian Bublewicz-Ryszard Zyskowski Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Marlboro Rally Team Poland
Krumlov (Tch)
1- Vaclav Blahna-Pavel Schovanek Opel Kadett GSi
Lacs (F)
1- Jacky Dalloz-Nathalie Cuynet Renault 5 Turbo
Lagos (Arg, 20-21/4 # 49/30)
1- Jorge Bescham-Jose Garcia Fiat Regatta
Lakes (Irl, 07-08/12 # 66/32)
1- Bertie Fisher-Rory Kennedy Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Lana (It, 25-26/7 # 93/41)
1- Dario Cerrato-Giuseppe Cerri Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Jolly Club
Lansirannikon (Fin, 09/3 # 46/33)
1- Lasse Lampi-Pentti Kuukkala Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Lanterna (It)
1- Piergiorgio Deila-P Scalvini Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Limousin (F, 11-13/10 # 49/30)
1- Bernard Beguin-Jean Marc Andrie Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ford Bastos Castrol
Littoral (Ci, 29-30/6 # 11/3)
1- Patrice Servant-J Servant Audi 90 Quattro
Looi (B, 21-22/9)
1- Jean Marc Gaban-Dany Delvaux Porsche 911 SC RS
Ecurie Bruxelloise
Lorraine (F, 11-12/5 # 121/74))
1- Eric Mauffrey-Damien Chapotot Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Lugo (E, 08/6)
1- Gustavo Trelles-Ricardo Ivetich Uru Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Jolly Club
Lutra (Hun, 25-26/5 # 88/59)
1- Laszlo Ranga-Erno Buki Lancia Delta Integrale
Madeira (Pt, 02-04/8 # 102/46)
1- Fabrizio Tabaton-M Imerito It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
H.F. Grifone SRL
Madrid (E, 16/11)
1- Antonio Ruis-Manuel Casanova Volkswagen Golf G60 Rallye
Volkswagen Motorsport
Maine Forest Winter (Usa, 06-07/12 # 29/18)
1- Paul Choiniere-Scott Weinheimer Audi Coupe Quattro
Malaysia (24-27/8 # 59/24)
1- Ross Dunkerton-Fred Gocentas Atl Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Makedonias (Gre, 24/2 # 42/28)
1- Kostas Hambis-Christos Nanos Lancia Delta HF 4WD
Motul Racing Team
Manawatu (Nz, 10/8 # 74/53)
1- Possum Bourne-Rodger Freeth Subaru Legacy RS
Mantta 200 (Fin, 10/8)
1- Markku Alen-Ilkka Kivimaki Subaru Legacy RS
Manx (Uk, 11-13/9 # 82/49)
1- Colin McRae-Derek Ringer Sco/Uk Subaru Legacy RS
Rothmans Subaru Uk Rally Team
Maquis (F, 09-10/11 # 34/17)
1- Patrick Bernardini-Julia Bernardini Bmw M3 E30
Mavro Rodo (Gre, 29-30/3 # 49/29)
1- Jigger-Konstantinos Stefanis Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Mazda Winter (Uk)
1- Trevor Smith-Roger Jones Ford Escort RS Cosworth
McDowell (I, 20-21/9)
1- Farad Bhathena-Farokh Commissariat Maruti Gypsy
Mecsek (Hun, 12-13/10 # 74/54)
1- Laszlo Ranga-Erno Buki Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Messina (It, 19-22/9)
1- Franco Cunico-Stefeno Evangelisti Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ford Italia
Middelfart (Dk, 07/9 # 56/51)
1- Jan Mortensen-Finn Mogensen Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Mikron (Hun, 05-06/7 # 90/59)
1- Attila Ferjancz-Janos Tandari Lancia Delta Integrale
Vaci Auto SE
Mobil (A, 20-21/9 # 37/23)
1- Raphael Sperrer-Wolfgang Seifried Volkswagen Golf Gti 16V
Mogurt Salgo (Hun, 21-22/4 # 100/55)
1- Laszlo Ranga-Erno Buki Lancia Delta Integrale
Mont Blanc (F, 05-08/9 # 107/53)
1- Yves Loubet-Jean Paul Chiaroni Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Lancia Fina
Montagne (Lib, 11-13/10 # 51/19)
1- Mohammed Bin Sulayem-Ronan Morgan Db/Irl Toyota Celica GT-4
Monte Carlo (24-30/1 # 165/75)
1- Carlos Sainz-Luis Moya E Toyota Celica GT-4
Toyota Team Europe
Montagne Noire (F)
1- Jean François Morgue-Jean Pierre Dubornais Bmw M3 E30
Monza (It, 23-24/11 # 117/66)
1- Andrea Zanussi-Paolo Amati
Nacht van Achtmaal (Ned, 05-06/10 # 65/43)
1- Jan van der Marel-Anton Reurings Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Negles (N, 23/2)
1- Arne and Egil Stenshorne Mazda 323 4WD
NGK (Rsa, 21-22/6 # 49/32)
1- Jan Habig-Douglas Judd Nissan Sentra 4x4
Niedersachsen (D, 21-24/2 # 45/29)
1- Erwin Weber-Manfred Hiemer Volkswagen Golf G60
Volkswagen Motorsport
Nike (Hun, 19-20/7 # 97/48)
1- Laszlo Ranga-Erno Buki Lancia Delta Integrale
Northern Sports (Nz, 24/8 # 70/50)
1- Brian Stokes-Jeff Judd Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Nova Zelândia (26-30/6 # 61/31)
1- Carlos Sainz-Luis Moya E Toyota Celica GT-4
Toyota Team Europe
Numedals (N, 02/3 # 187/116)
1- Bengt Thorsell-Petter Vegel Sw Mazda 323 4WD
Nyanza (Eak, 19-20/10 # 24/17)
1- Ian Duncan-David Williamson Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo
Ojibwe Forest (Usa, 23-24/8 # 30/21)
1- Bruno Kreibich-Jeff Becker Audi Quattro
Old Toomas (Lit)
1- Seppo Mustonen-Martti Kaasinen Fin Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Olympiako (Gre, 17/3 # 17/8)
1- Iaveris-Sakis Karanikolos Ford Escort RS 2000
Olympion (Gre, 20-21/4 # 26/13)
1- Jigger-Konstantinos Stefanis Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Oman (21-22/11 # 11/7)
1- Mohammed Bin Sulayem-Ronan Morgan Db/Irl Toyota Celica GT-4
Omloop van Vlaanderen (B, 07-08/9 # 135/79)
1- Ivan Viaene-Roland Dewulf Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Osona (E, 07/7 # 88/57)
1- Jose Maria Bardolet-Antonio Rodriguez Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ostfold (N, 17/8 # 153/113)
1- Roar Vannebo-Jan Svanstrom Toyota Celica GT-4
Otago (Nz)
1- Barry Robinson Vauxhall Chevette
Ourense (E, 16/6 # 58/36)
1- Gustavo Trelles-Ricardo Ivetich Uru Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Jolly Club
Palm Trees (Cyp, 22-23/6 # 57/27)
1- Antonis Ieropoulos-Michalakis Michael Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Penhalong (Zw, 25/5 # 16/10)
1- Abe Smit-Les Wild Audi 90 Quattro
Pentecote (Ci, 18-19/5)
1- Patrick Tauziac-Claude Papin Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Perce Neige (Can, 08-10/2 # 36/20)
1- Paul Choiniere-Doug Nerber Usa Audi Coupé Quattro
Piancavallo (It, 29/8-01/9 # 103/42)
1- Dario Cerrato-Giuseppe Cerri Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Jolly Club
Pneumant (D, 14-15/8)
1- Saku Vierimaa-Uwe Jagals Fin Lancia Delta Integrale
Pohjola (Fin, 27-28/9 # 84/65)
1- Arto Kumpumaki-Veijo Vanio Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Polar (N, 23/3)
1- Arne Stenshorne-Harald Horgen Mazda 323 4WD
Polonia (06-09/6 # 55/32)
1- Piero Liatti-Luciano Tedeschini It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Art Engineering
Porto (Pt, 04/5 # 51/29)
1- Carlos Bica-Fernando Prata Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Portugal (05-09/3 # 95/28)
1- Carlos Sainz-Luis Moya E Toyota Celica GT-4
Toyota Team Europe
Press on Regardless (Usa, 25-27/10 # 38/29)
1- Chad DiMarco-Eric Hauge Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo
Pretoria (Rsa)
1- Sarel van der Merwe-Franz Boshoff Ford Laser
Principe Asturias (E, 05-07/9 # 60/32)
1- Jose Maria Ponce-Jose Carlos Deniz Bmw M3 E30
Sauermann Competicion
Printemps (Lib)
1- Nabil Karam Bmw M3 E30
Provence (F, 18-19/5 # 139/62)
1- Bernard Beguin-Jean Marc Andrie Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ford Bastos Castrol
Punaraita (Fin, 05/1 # 127/98)
1- Sebastian Lindholm-Jakke Honkanen Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Qatar (19-20/9 # 20/13)
1- Mohammad Bin Sulayem-Ronan Morgan Db/Irl Toyota Celica GT-4
Queensland (Atl, 26-28/7 # 44/28)
1- Murray Coote-Coral Taylor Mazda 323 GTX
Quercy (F, 20-21/4 # 83/47)
1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Lancia Fina
Rac (Uk, 24-28/11 # 152/82)
1- Juha Kankkunen-Juha Piironen Fin Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Martini Lancia
Raymonds (Eak, 09/6 # 25/15)
1- Ian Duncan-David Williamson Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo
Reikjavik (Ice)
1- Saku Vierimaa-Hasse Kallstrom Fin Lancia Delta Integrale
Rim of the World (Usa, 19-21/4 # 26/18)
1- Rod Millen-Tony Sircombe Nz Mazda 323 GTX
Rocky Mountain (Can, 24-25/5 # 14/11)
1- Frank and Dan Sprongl Audi Coupé Quattro
1- Dominique Rumeau-Lionel Campa It Peugeot 205 Gti
Rota do Sol (Pt, 24-26/5 # 38/19)
1- Joaquim Santos-Carlos Magalhães Toyota Celica GT-4
Rouergue (F, 19-21/7 # 123/65)
1- Yves Loubet-Jean Paul Chiaroni Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Lancia Fina
RTS (B, 09-10/3 # 62/47)
1- Guy Grammet-Davie Meert Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Rizla + Team
Russkaya Zima (Urss, 19-20/1)
1- Vyacheslav Prokhorov-Vyacheslav Akimov Lancia Delta Integrale
Saarland (D, 11-14/4 # 69/42)
1- Ronald Holzer-Klaus Wendell Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Mitsubishi Motors Deutschland
Safari (Eak, 27/3-01/4 # 57/27)
1- Juha Kankkunen-Juha Piironen Fin Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Martini Lancia
Safari du Zaire (07-10/2 # 26/10)
1- Billy Rautenbach-John Mitchell Toyota Supra Turbo
Saint Cergue (Sui, 30-31/8 # 98/53)
1- Philippe Camandona-Severine Dubuis Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Scuderia Chicco d'Oro
Salento (It)
1- Andréa Aghini-Sauro Farnochia Peugeot 405 16V
Salora (Fin, 13/7 # 57/42)
1- Lasse Lampi-Pentti Kuukkala Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Samara (Fin)
1- Saku Vierimaa-Juka Rovio Fin Lancia Delta Integrale
San Marino (07-10/11 # 123/46)
1- Massimo Ercolani-Cristina Larcher Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Sanair (Can)
1- Ron Matthews-Richard Foegele Volkswagen Golf Gti
Sand Hills Sandblast (Usa)
1- Mike Harris-Duane Simpson Mazda Pick up
Sanremo (It, 12-17/10 # 87/40)
1- Didier Auriol-Bernard Occelli F Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Jolly Club
Santander (E)
1- Jose Maria Ponce-Juan Carlos Deniz Bmw M3 E30
Sanyo (Eak, 29-30/6 # 26/13)
1- Ian Duncan-David Williamson Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo
Saturnus (Yu, 23-25/5 # 103/66)
1- Christophe Dirtl-Jorg Patterman D/A Lancia Delta Integrale
Selbas (Zw, 15/11 # 13/8)
1- Abe Smit-Les Wild Audi 90 Quattro
Semperit (A, 14-16/11 # 97/54)
1- Raimund Baumschlager-Ruben Zeltner VW Golf G60
Volkswagen Motorsport Austria
Serena (Eak, 26/2 # 31/17)
1- Ranjit Chager-Mohammed Verjee Toyota Levin
Sezoens (B, 31/5 # 73/33)
1- Guy Grammet-Davie Meert Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Rizla + Team
Sierra Morena (E, 14/9)
1- Antonio Ruis-Manuel Casanova Volkswagen Golf G60 Rallye
Silvernatten (Sw, 01-02/3 # 146/67)
1- Mats Jonsson-Lars Backman Toyota Celica GT-4
Toyota Team Sweden
Sliven (Bul, 20-21/4 # 51/34)
1- Pavel Jekov-Hristo Popov Audi 90 Qauttro
Snapphane (Sw, 09-10/8)
1- Mats Jonsson-Lars Backman Toyota Celica GT-4
Toyota Team Sweden
Sno Drift (Usa)
1- Gene Henderson-John Mickle Bmw 325 ix
Snofresser'n (N, 09/2)
1- Valter Jenssen-Hakon Stammes Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Sombreffe (B, 27/10)
1- Jean Marie Milissen-Luc Bouchat Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ecurie Baudouin Visetoise
Sopete-Póvoa de Varzim (Pt, 26-27/1 # 58/35)
1- José Miguel-Luis Lisboa Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
South Africa
1- Serge Damseaux-Vito Bonafede Toyota Conquest
South India (13/7 # 15/9)
1- Farad Bhathena-Farokh Commissariat Maruti Gypsy
South Sweden (17-19/5 # 114/63)
1- Mats Jonsson-Lars Backman Toyota Celica GT-4
Toyota Team Sweden
Southland (Nz, 02/6 # 69/49)
1- Possum Bourne-Rodger Freeth Subaru Legacy RS
Stannic (Rsa, 23-24/8 # 33/19)
1- Sarel van der Merwe-Franz Boshoff Ford Laser Turbo 4WD
Stari Stolici (Bul)
1- Georgi Petrov-Ivan Tonev Volkswagen Golf GTi 16V
Steiermark (A, 11-12/10 # 49/36)
1- Christoph Dirtl-Jorg Pattermann Lancia Delta Integrale
Stockholm (Sw, 07/9 # 246/166)
1- Leif Astherag-Jan Pettersson Toyota Celica GT-4
Sweden (16-18/2 # 108/74)
1- Kenneth Eriksson-Staffan Parmander Mitsubishi Galant VR4
Mitsubishi Ralliart Europe
Sumava (Tch, 31/1-01/2 # 86/55)
1- Matthias Moosleitner-Regine Rausch Bmw M3 E30
Susquehannock Trail (Usa, 01-02/6 # 61/35)
1- Chad di Marco-Eric Hauge Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo
1- Henry Yap-Ron Teoh Proton Saga 4WD
Talkland (Uk, 22-24/2 # 62/32)
1- Colin McRae-Derek Ringer Subaru Legacy RS
Rothmans Subaru UK Rally Team
Tall Pines (Can, 23-24/11 # 21/15)
1- Jim Wilson-John Buffum Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Targa Florio (It, 03-05/5 # 99/55)
1- Piero Longhi-Carraro Lancia Delta Integrale
Tasmania (Atl, 05-07/4 # 27/21)
1- Murray Coote-Coral Taylor Mazda 323 GTX
Tatry (Sk, 06-07/9 # 35/22)
1- Pavel Sibera-Petr Gross Skoda Favorit 136 L
1- Dominique Bruyneel-Lefebvre Bmw M3 E30
Teboil (Fin, 12/10 # 159/110)
1- Antero Laine-Kalevi Palve Toyota Celica GT-4
Tehumardi (Est, 08-09/11 # 62/41)
1- Ivar Raidam-Margus Karjane Lada Samara
Tenerife (E)
1- Jose Maria Ponce-Juan Carlos Deniz Bmw M3 E30
Terre de Provence (F)
1- Bruno Saby-Daniel Grataloup Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Tiadaghton Trail (Usa, 03-05/5 # 57/44)
1- Chad di Marco-Eric Hauge Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo
Tierra Aviles (E)
1- Daniel Alonso-Santiago Belzunces Esp Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Tiger (Cyp, 27-28/7 # 49/16)
1- Antonis Ieropoulos-Michalakis Michael Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Total (Rsa, 18-19/10 3 49/16)
1- Sarel van der Merwe-Franz Boshoff Ford Laser Turbo 4WD
Tour d'Europe (02-12/10)
1- Jurgen Riethmuller-Jorg Schneider Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Tour de Corse (F, 28/4-01/5 # 101/43)
1- Carlos Sainz-Luis Moya E Toyota Celica GT-4
Tour de Total (Rsa, 22-23/2 # 60/29)
1- Glen Gibbons-Peter Cuffley Toyota Conquest 4x4
Tour of Cumbria (Uk)
1- Jimmy Mc Rae-A Oswin Sco/Uk Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Tour of Cyprus (27-28/4 # 48/25)
1- Antonis Ieropoulos-Michalakis Michael Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Toyota Dealer (Rsa, 20-21/9 # 46/21)
1- Hannes Grobler-Douglas Judd Nissan Sentra 4x4
Trans Itapuã (Py)
1- Orlando Penner-Eugenio Planas
Transchaco (Py)
1- Marco Galanti-Oscar Ramirez Toyota Celica 4X4
Tulip (Cyp, 02-03/11 # 66/30)
1- Antonis Ieropoulos-Michalakis Michael Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Tulpen (Ned, 05-07/4 # 101/68)
1- John Bosch-Kevin Gormley Ned/Uk Bmw M3 E30
Marlboro Bmw Dealer
Turquia (12-13/7 # 32/15)
1- Ali Bacioglu-Metin Ceker Lancia Delta Integrale
Ulster (Irl, 26-27/7 # 55/33)
1- Bertie Fisher-Rory Kennedy Irl Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Toughmac Safety Glass
Valais (Sui, 25-26/10 # 90/43)
1- Erwin Keller-Roni Hoffman Mitsubishi Galant VR-4
Ecurie Basilisk
Valasska (Cz, 18-19/10 # 74/45)
1- Ladislav Krecek-Jan Krecman Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Valeo (E, 26-27/10 # 76/39)
1- Jose Maria Ponce-Jose Carlos Deniz Bmw M3 E30
Sauermann Competicion
Valge Daam (Est, 23-24/8 # 70/47)
1- Ivar Raidam-Margus Karjane Lada Samara
Vana Toomas (Est, 02-04/5)
1- Ilmar Raisar-Rein Talvar Lada 2105 VFTS
Var (F, 29/11-01/12 # 134/61)
1- Bernard Beguin-Jean Marc Andrie Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ford Bastos Castrol
Vauxhall Sport (Uk)
1- Hideaki Myoshi-Andy Moss J/Uk Mitsubishi Galant VR4
Velenje (Yu, 04-05/10 # 38/30)
1- Silvan Lulik-Matjaz Mihelcic Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Venus (Cyp, 23-24/3 # 47/20)
1- Dimi Mavropoulos-Nikos Antoniades Audi 90 Quattro
Vetland (Sw, 14-15/6)
1- Nalle Johansson-Anders Olsson Mazda 323 GTX
Vigo (E, 13/7)
1- Jose Maria Bardolet-Antonio Rodriguez Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Ford España
Villa de Llanes (E, 31/5-02/6 # 74/47)
1- Gustavo Trelles-Ricardo Ivetich Uru Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Jolly Club
Vltava Pribram (Cz, 27-29/9 # 87/52)
1- Ladislav Krecek-Jan Krecman Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Volkswagen (Rsa, 12-13/4 # 46/26)
1- Serge Damseaux-Vito Bonafede Toyota Conquest 4x4
Volta a Portugal (19-21/4 # 46/12)
1- Carlos Bica-Fernando Prata Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Martini Lancia
Voyageurs (Can, 07-08/9 # 28/14)
1- Bruno Kreibich-Jeffrey Becker Audi Quattro
Vuelta al Ecuador
1- Ullysses Reyes-Juan Cueva Volkswagen
1- Hideaki Myoshi-Andy Moss J/Uk Mitsubishi Galant VR4
Wallonie (B, 12-13/10 # 77/50)
1- Marc Soulet-Jean Marc Fortin Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Wartburg (D, 01-03/11)
1- Joachim Muller-Fred Bersen Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Welfen (D, 30-31/8 # 92/63)
1- Norbert Moufang-Hermann Gahr Opel Kadett C-Coupe
Welsh (Uk, 04-05/5 # 123/78)
1- Russel Brookes-Neil Wilson Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Westfalen Lippe (D, 09/3 # 95/68)
1- Walter Gromoller-Lothar Luttmann Lancia Delta Integrale
Wisly (Pol, 20-21/9 # 53/31)
1- Marian Bublewicz-Ryszard Zyskowski Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Marlboro Rally Team Poland
Wyedean Forest (Uk)
1- Maurice Flux-Ian Thomas MG Metro 6R4
Yalta Criméia (Urss, 12-13/10 # 43/18)
1- Nikolay and Igor Bolshikh Bmw M3 E30
Yorkshire (Uk)
1- Colin Mc Rae-Graham Scott Sco ???
Yprés (B, 28-30/6 # 195/94)
1- Patrick Snijers-Dany Colebunders Ford Sierra Cosworth
Bastos Ford Rally Team
Yu (19-22/9 # 40/21)
1- Serdar Bostanci-Cihat Gurkan Tk Ford Sierra RS Cosworth
Yugo (Yu, 01/1)
1- Dejan Ilic-Nenad Baros Zastava Yugo 65
Zastava Auto
Zahorie (Sk, 11-12/10)
1- Jozef Beres-Vojtech Bodon Opel Manta 400
Zambia (28-30/6 # 27/9)
1- Satwant Singh-Surinder Tatthi Z/Eak VW Golf GTi
Zimbabwe 16-18/8 # 37/17)
1- Billy Rautenbach-John Mitchell Toyota Celica GT-4
Zimowy (Pol)
1- Pawel Przbylski-Krysztof Geborys Audi Coupe Quattro
Zlatini Piassatzi (Bul)
1- Piero Liatti-Luciano Tedeschini It Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
Art Engineering
Zuiderzee (Ned, 02-03/11 # 83/54)
1- Chiel Bos-Ton Hillen Lancia Delta Integrale 16V
contato: rallymemoryblog@gmail.com
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