sexta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2025




3 Stadte (D): Walter Rohrl-C Geistdorfer Lancia 037 Rally

6 Hs Vise Aubel (B): S Everett-W Lux Nissan Silvia Turbo

6 Uren Alken (B): P Snijers-D Colebunders Porsche 911 SC

12 Hs Braine (B): Jean L Dumont-E Borremans Nissan Silvia

12 Hs Marche (B): JL Dumont-E Borremans Nissan Silvia

500km Andenne (B): P Snijers-D Colebunders Porsche 911 SC

Alpes Vaudoises (Swi): C Blanc-G Bubloz Lancia 037 Rally

Amsterdam (Ned): Guy Colsoul-Alain Lopes Opel Ascona 400

Arbo (A): Franz Wittman-Kurt Nestinger Audi Quattro A1

Atrium Sauna (A): F Wittmann-K Nestinger Audi Quattro A1

BAC (Ned): Renger Guliker-Abe vd Brink Porsche 911 SC

Boucles Liege (B): Guy Colsoul-E Borremans Opel Ascona 400

Boucles Spa (B): Marc Duez-Willy Lux Audi Quattro A1

Circ Ardennes (B): P Snijers-D Colebunders Porsche 911 SC

other names at the event:

  Robert Droogmans-Ronny Joosten Ford Escort RS 1800

  Pentti Airikkala-Juha Piironen Ford Escort RS 1800

Condroz (B): Patrick Snijers-D Colebunders Porsche 911 SC

other names at the event:

  Guy Colsoul-Alain Lopes Opel Ascona 400

Court (Swi): Eric Ferreux-Serge Audemars Porsche 911 SC

Crit Jurassien (Swi): JM Carron-P Eckert Porsche 930 T

Crit L Bianchi (B): R Droogmans-R Joosten Ford Esc RS 1800

other names at the event:

  Lars Erik Walfridsson-Lars Backman Renault 5 Turbo

Crit Neuchâtelois (Swi): JX Bering-B Sandoz Renault 5 T

Crit O Gendebien (B): Jean L Dumont-P Fraikin Nissan Silvia

Deutschland: Walter Rohrl-C Geistdorfer Lancia 037 Rally

Ele (Ned): Jan Bak-Bob Dickhout Porsche 911 SC

Ennstal (A): Franz Wittmann-Kurt Nestinger Audi Quattro

Esslinger (D): Harald Demuth-Arwed Fischer Audi Quattro A2

Gotthard (Swi): JC Bering-M Stadelmann Renault 5 Turbo

Grensland (B): Jean Pvd Wauver-L Peeters Opel Ascona 400

Hannut (B): Jean Louis Dumont-J Materne Nissan Silvia

Haspengow (B): Marc Duez-Willy Lux Audi Quattro A1

other names at the event:

  Robert Droogmans-Ronny Joosten Ford Escort RS 1800

  Vital Budo-R Elen Mercedes Benz 500 SL

Hessen (D): Erwin Weber-Gunter Wanger Opel Manta 400

other names at the event:

  Harald Demuth-Arwed Fischer Audi Quattro

  Sepp Haider-Peter Diekmann Mercedes Benz 500 SL

Hunsruck (D): Erwin Weber-Gunter Wanger Opel Manta 400

Janner (A): Franz Wittmann-K Nestinger Audi Quattro A1

Kempen (B): P Maaskant-A Molkenboer Citroen Visa Chrono

Lavanttaler (A): Franz Wittmann-K Nestinger Audi Quattro

Limburgia (Ned): Henk Vossen-PiTheunissen Ford Escort RS 1800

Lubeck (D): JO Kristianssen-M Pedersen Opel Ascona 400

Metz (D): Michele Mouton-Arwed Fischer Audi Quattro A2

Neustadt (D): JO Kristianssen-M Pedersen Opel Asc 400

Nordmark (D): JO Kristianssen-M Pedersen Opel Asc 400

Omloop v Vlaand. (B): P Snijers-D Colebunders Porsche 911 SC

Pneumant (Ddr): Wolfgang Drexl-Rainer Schmidt Lada 21011

Pyhrn Eisenw. (A): F Wittmann-P Diekmann Audi Quattro

Ronde Nouveau N (B): JL Dumont-E Borremans Nissan Silvia

RTS (B): Patrick Snijers-Johnny Kenis Porsche 911 SC

Saarland (D): Manfred Hero-D Muller Porsche 930 Turbo

Sachs Winter (D): J Buffum-A Fischer Audi Quattro A1

Sachsenring (Ddr): R Pohlmann-W Scherbart Wartburg 353

St Cergue (Swi): Christian Blanc-G Bubloz Lancia 037 Rally

Schweriner (Ddr): Werner Fabig-Jurgen Wiehle Lada 2106

Semperit (A): Franz Wittmann-K Nestinger Audi Quattro

SLS (Ned): Renger Guliker-Abe vd Brink Porsche 911 SC

Steiermark (A): F Wittmann-K Nestinger Audi Quattro

Tac (B): P Snijers-Danny Colebunders Porsche 911 SC

TBR (B): Pol Lietaer-Raevelingen Talbot Sunbeam Lotus

Tulpen (Ned): Renger Guliker-Abe vd Brink Porsche 911 SC

Valais (Swi): R Droogmans-R Joosten Ford Escort RS 1800

Vorderpfalz (D): Erwin Weber-G Wanger Opel Manta 400

Wartburg (Ddr): Vaclav Blahna-P Schovannek Skoda 130 RS

Westfalen (D): W Smolej-E Hohenadel Ford Escort RS 1800

Wismut (Ddr): Svatopluk Kvaizar-J Janecek Skoda 130 RS

Wittenberg (Ddr): Jiri Bocek-B Kadlec Skoda 130 RS

Ypres (B): Miki Biasion-Tiziano Siviero Lancia 037 Rally

other names at the event:

  Jean C Andruet-Françoise Sappey Lancia 037 Rally

  Francis Vincent-Willy Huret Ferrari 308 GTB


3 Stadte (D): W Rohrl-C Geistdorfer Audi Quattro Sport

6 Hs Visé (B): Jan vd Marel-A Lieuwma Opel Manta 400

12 Hs B Comte (B): R Droogmans-R Joosten Porsche 911 SC RS

12 Hs Marche (B): F Roothaert-C Waumers Opel Asc 400

Admonter (A): F Wittmann-K Nestinger Audi Quattro A2

Alpes Vaudoises (Swi): E Ferreux-S Audemars Renault 5 T

Amsterdam (Ned): S Anderv.-A Schoon. Ford Esc RS 1800

Arbo (A): Wilfried Wiedner-T Zehetner Audi Quattro A2

Bac (Ned): Jan van der Marel-A Lieuwma Opel Manta 400

Boucles Liége (B): Ettiene Barras-G Biar Nissan 240 RS

Boucles Spa (B): Carlo Capone-S Cresto Lancia 037 Rally

other names at the event:

  Tony Pond-Rob Arthur Nissan 240 RS

  Patrick Snijers-Dany Colebunders Porsche 911 SC RS

Circ Ardennes (B): P Snijers-D Coleb. Porsche 911 SC RS

other names at the event:

  Marc Duez-Willy Lux Rover 3500 Vitesse

Condroz (B): R Droogmans-R Joosten Porsche 911 SC RS

other names at the event:

  Bruno Thiry-Edgar Peiffer Saab 99 Turbo

  Jean L Dumont-Raymon Richard Renault 5 Turbo

Court (Swi): Eric Ferreux-Serge Audemars Renault 5 Turbo

Crit Jurassien (Swi): JP Ballmer-D Inderm. Opel Manta 400

Crit L Bianchi (B): R Droogmans-R Joosten Porsche 911 SC RS

Crit O Gendebien (B): F Roothaert-C Wauters Opel Asc 400

Deutschland: H Mikkola-C Geistdorfer Audi Quattro Sport

Ele (Ned): Jan vd Marel-Anja Lieuwma Opel Manta 400

Esslingen (D): Harald Demuth-Willy Lux Audi Quattro A1

Grensland (B): Lars E Walfridsson-S Kvarnlov Renault 5 T

Hannut (B): P Snijers-D Colebunders Porsche 911 SC RS

Haspengow (B): R Droog.-R Joosten Porsche 911 SC RS

other names at the event:

  Guy Colsoul-Alain Lopes Opel Ascona 400

  Patrick Snijers-Dany Colebunders Porsche 911 SC

Hellend. (Ned): S Andervang-A Schoon. Ford Esc RS 1800

Hessen (D): Erwin Weber-Gunter Janger Opel Manta 400

Hinterland (D): Reinhard Heinbach-M Moll Opel Manta 400

Hunsruck (D): Harald Demuth-Willy Lux Audi Quattro A1

Janner (A): Franz Wittmann-K Nestinger Audi Quattro A2

Karntern (A): Sepp Haider-F Hinterleitner Opel Manta 400

Kohle Stahl (D): Manfred Hero-D Muller Porsche 911 SC

Kohln-Ahrw. (D): G Pettersson-K Jonsson Audi 80 Quattro

Lavanttaler (A): W Wiedner-F Zehetner Audi Quattro A2

Limburgia (Ned): Jan vd Marel-A Lieuwma Opel Manta 400

Looi (B): Pascal Gaban-Guy Briesen Porsche 911 SC

Mechelen (B): P Snijers-D Colebunders Porsche 911 SC

Metz (D): Harald Demuth-Willy Lux Audi Quattro A1

Omloop v Vlaand. (B): P Snijers-D Coleb. Porsche 911 SC RS

Pneumant (Ddr): W Grube-R Schmidtchen Wartburg 353 W

Pyhrn Eisenw. (A): W Wiedner-F Zehetner Audi Quattro A2

Ring (A): Franz Wittmann-K Nestinger Audi Quattro A2

RTS (B): Patrick Snijers-D Colebunders Porsche 911 SC

Saarland (D): Harald Demuth-Willy Lux Audi Quattro A1

Sachs Baltic (D): Harald Demuth-W Lux Audi Quattro A1

Sachs Winter (D): H Demuth-Willy Lux Audi Quattro A1

Sachsenring (Ddr): Nikolay-Igor Bolshikh Lada 2105 VFTS

St Cergue (Swi): Eric Ferreux-S Audemars Renault 5 T

Salzburg (A): F Wittmann-Kurt Nestinger Audi Quattro A2

other names at the event:

  Franz Wurz-J Geist Audi Quattro

Schneerosen (A): F Wittmann-K Nestinger Audi Quattro A2

Semperit (A): G Fischer-M Weinzierl Mitsubishi Lancer 2000

Tac (B): Patrick Snijers-D Colebunders Porsche 911 SC RS

Trifels (D): Harald Demuth-Willy Lux D/B Audi Quattro A1

Tulpen (Ned): S Andervang-A Schoonenwolf Ford Esc RS 1800

Ulm (D): Holger Bohne-Reinhold Fricker Mercedes 500 SLC

Valais (Swi): Harald Demuth-Willy Lux Audi Quattro A1

Vise Aubel (Ned): Jan vd Marel-A Beltzer Opel Manta 400

Vorderpfalz (A): Erwin Weber-G Wanger Opel Manta 400

Wallonie (B): P Snijers-D Colebunders Porsche 911 SC RS

other names at the event:

  Robert Droogmans-Rony Joosten Porsche 911 SC RS

  Guy Colsoul-Alain Lopes Opel Manta 400

Wartburg (Ddr): D Heimburger-T Bruchman Wartburg 353

Wienerwald (A): F Wittmann-K Nestinger Audi Quattro A2

Wittenberg (Ddr): HU Sonntag-B Nessen Wartburg 353

Yprés (B): Henri Toivonen-Ian Grindrod Porsche 911 SC RS 

other names at the event:

  Gaby Goudeneuze-S Messine Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV6

  Jacques Panciatici-F Sappey Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV6


3 Stadte (D): Kalle Grundel-P Diekmann Peugeot 205 T16

6 Hs Mettet (B): Rainer Hermann-J Backes Opel Manta GSi

12 Hs Braine C (B): P Gaban-G Briesen Porsche 911 RS SC

12 Hs Marche (B): R Droogmans-R Joost. Porsche 911 SC RS

Alpes Vaud. (Swi): JP Ballmer-D Indermuhle Lancia 037 Rally

Amsterdam (Ned): Jan vd Marel-A Lieuwma Opel Manta 400

Arbo (A): Sepp Haider-Ferdi Hinterleitner Opel Manta 400

Aubel (B): Guy Colsoul-Philippe Droeve Opel Manta 400

BAC (Ned): Jon Bosch-Ruud Oosterbaan Audi Quattro A2

Bianchi (B): Patrick Snijers-D Colebunders Lancia 037 Rally

Boucles P (B): Francis-Charly Lejeune Ford Esc RS 2000

Boucles B Sambre (B): R Hermann-J Backes Opel Manta GSi

Boucles Liége (B): Guy Colsoul-H Kimmenade Opel Manta 400

Boucles Spa (B): B Waldegaard-H Thors Audi Quattro A2

other names at the event:

  Marc Duez-Gilles Thimonier Mazda RX-7

Boucles Verv. (B): Francis-Charly Lejeune Ford Esc RS 2000

Castrol (A): Wilfried Wiedner-F Zehetner Audi Quattro A2

Circ Ardennes (B): P Snijers-D Coleb. Lancia 037 Rally

Condroz (B): Patrick Snijers-D Colebunders Porsche 911 SC

other names at the event:

  Guy Colsoul-Alain Lopes Opel Manta 400

  Robert Droogmans-Ronny Joosten Porsche 911 SC RS

Court (Swi): Jean P Ballmer-Eric Chapuis Lancia 037 Rally

Crit JL Dumont (B): Jean L Crutze-W Plattes Opel Kad GTE

Crit Jurassien (B): Jean M Carron-L Lattion Audi Quattro

Crit Micky (B): Rainer Hermann-J Backes Opel Macona

Crit O Gendebien (B): F Cornil-C Detant Porsche 911 SC RS

Deutschland: Kale Grundell-P Diekman Peugeot 205 T16

Dieppe (F): Alain Serpaggi-Yves Le Gall Renault 5 Turbo

Donau (D): Kenneth Eriksson-Rolf Melleroth Opel Kad Gsi

Ele (Ned): Jan vd Marel-Anja Lieuwma Opel Manta 400

other names at the event:

  Jon Bosch-Ruud Oosterban Audi Quattro A2

Geneve (Swi): Eric Ferreux-Serge Audemars Renault 5 T

Grensland (B): Lars E Walfridsson-L Backman Renault 5 T

Hannut (B): T Reginster-M Delmelle Porsche 911 SC RS

Haspengow (B): P Snijers-D Colebunders Lancia 037 Rally

Heidelberg (D): K Grundel-P Diekmann Peugeot 205 T 16

Hellendoorn (Ned): Jan vd Marel-A Beltzer Opel Manta 400

Hessen (D): Kalle Grundel-P Diekmann Peugeot 205 T16

Hunsruck (D): K Grundel-Peter Diekmann Peugeot 205 T16

other names at the event:

  Andrea Zanussi-Sergio Cresto Lancia 037 Rally

  Erwin Weber-Gunter Wanger Opel Manta 400

Janner (A): Wilfried Wiedner-F Zehetner Audi Quattro A2

Karntern (A): S Haider-F Hiunterleitner Opel Manta 400

Korutany (A): Johan Schachinger Opel Ascona B

Lavanttaler (A): W Wiedner-F Zehetner Audi Quattro A2

Limburgia (Ned): Jan vd Marel-A Lieuwma Opel Manta 400

Looi (B): Pascal Gaban-Guy Briesen Porsche 911 SC RS

Lugano (Swi): Eric Ferreux-Serge Audemars Renault 5 T

Metz (D): Marc Duez-Battista Cantonati Audi Quattro A2

Neustadt (D): Jorgen Nielsen-P Andreasen Opel Kadett Gsi

Omloop v Vlaand. (B): P Snijers-D Coleb. Lancia 037 Rally

Osterreichische: Heinz Klausner-T Zeltner Lancia 037 Rally

Pneumant (Ddr): Svatopluk Kvaizar-J Janecek Skoda 130 LR

Police (B): Claudio Pavan-Angelo Rossi Lancia 037 Rally

Pyhrn Eisenw. (A): Alois Pfeifer-H Stadler Opel Manta 400

Reichsstadt (D): Jean M Carron-L Lattion Audi Quattro

Saarland (D): Kalle Grundel-P Diekmann Peugeot 205 T 16

Sachs B (D): K Grundel-Peter Diekmann Peugeot 205 T 16

Sachs W (D): Kalle Grundell-P Diekmann Peugeot 205 T16

Sachsenring (Ddr): Milan Dolak-V Hadravek Skoda 130 LR

St Cergue (Swi): JP Ballmer-E Chapuis Lancia 037 Rally

Salzburg (A): W Wiedner-F Zehetner Audi Quattro A2

Schneerosen (A): W Wiedner-F Zehetner Audi Quattro A2

Semperit (A): W Rohrl-C Geistdorfer Audi Qattro Sport E2

Steiermark (A): A Karasek-F Schweighofer Opel Manta 200

Tac (B): Patrick Snijers-D Colebunders Lancia 037 Rally

Tulpen (Ned): Jon Bosch-L Peeters Audi Quattro A2

Valais (Swi): P Snijers-Dany Colebunders Lancia 037 Rally

Vin (Swi): Patrick Snijers-D Colebunders Lancia 037 Rally

Vorderpfalz (D): K Grundel-P Diekmann Peugeot 205 T 16

Walonie (B): P Snijers-D Colebunders Lancia 037 Rally

Wartburg (Ddr): Milan Dolak-V Hadravek Skoda 130 LR

Wiesbaden (D): S Haider-K Hesse Citroen Visa 1000 P

Wikinger (D): R Petersen-A Bockelmann Opel Manta 400

Wismut (Ddr): S Roth-W Ascherbarth D Wartburg 353

Wittenberg (Ddr): KD Schulze-R Schmidt Lada 2105 VFTS

Yprés (B): Jean Ragnotti-P Thimonier Renault Maxi 5 T

other names at the event:

  Bernard Darniche-Alain Mahé Peugeot 205 T 16

  Marc Duez-Rob Arthur Rover 3500 Vitesse

  Patrick Snijers-Dany Colebunders Lancia 037 Rally


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